a light weight package for typescript Data structures
TypeScript Data Structures
Data Structures package made by TypeScript.
$ npm i @ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures
Data Structure list:
- [x] Singly Linked List
- [x] Doubly Linked List
- [x] Queue
- [x] Stack
- [x] Heap
- [x] Graph
Singly Linked List:
import { SinglyLinkedList } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
// The constructor can accept an array as an input and it will transform the array to the linked list
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const list = new SinglyLinkedList<number>(arr);
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
list.popStart().pop().view(); // vaild
list.getHead().view(); // invalid
- .insert(data, pos) => Insert data to certian position.
- .pushStart(data) => Insert data at the head position.
- .push(data) => Insert data at tail position.
- .delete(pos) => Delete element at a certian position.
- .pop() => Delete element from the end of the tail.
- .popStart() => Delte element from the head.
- .getHead() => Returns a copy of the head node.
- .getTail() => Returns a copy of the tail node.
- .view() => Prints a visual dispaly of the linked list.
- .toArray() => Returns the linked list as an array
Doubly Linked List:
import { DoublyLinkedList } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
// The constructor can accept an array as an input and it will transform the array to the linked list
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const list = new DoublyLinkedList<number>(arr);
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
list.popStart().pop().view(); // vaild
list.getHead().view(); // invalid
- .insert(data, pos) => Insert data to certian position.
- .pushStart(data) => Insert data at the head position.
- .push(data) => Insert data at tail position.
- .delete(pos) => Delete element at a certian position.
- .pop() => Delete element from the end of the tail.
- .popStart() => Delte element from the head.
- .getHead() => Returns a copy of the head node.
- .getTail() => Returns a copy of the tail node.
- .view() => Prints a visual dispaly of the linked list.
- .toArray() => Returns the linked list as an array.
import { Queue } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
// The constructor can accept an array as an input and it will transform the array to the Queue
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const queue = new Queue<number>(arr);
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
queue.enqueue(5).dequeue().view(); //vaild
queue.peak().view(); // invalid
- .enqueue(data) => Add data to the end of the queue.
- .dequeue() => Remove first element of the queue.
- .peak() => Returns the first element in the queue.
- .getSize() => Returns the size of the queue.
- .view() => Prints a visual dispaly of the queue.
import { Stack } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
// The constructor can accept an array as an input and it will transform the array to the Heap
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const stack = new Stack<number>(arr);
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
stack.push(1).push(2).pop(); // vaild
stack.peak().push(1); // invalid
- .push(data) => Inserts data to top of stack.
- .pop() => Removes the item on the top of the stack.
- .peak() => Returns the item on the top of the stack.
- .getSize() =>Returns the size of the stack;
- .view() => Prints a visual display of the stack.
import { Heap } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
// The constructor can accept an array as an input and it will transform the array to the Heap
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const maxHeapOptions = {
cmp: (a, b) => a < b;
const minHeapOptions = {
cmp: (a, b) => a > b;
// Heap type is set to number by default but you can change it
//min heap
const minHeap = new Heap(arr, minHeapOptions);
//max heap
const maxHeap = new Heap(arr, maxHeapOptions);
/// or
const maxHeap = new Heap<string>([], maxHeapOptions);
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
minHeap.push(1).push(2); // vaild
minHeap.peak().push(1); // invalid
- .push(data) => Insert a data to the heap.
- .pop() => Removes the root of the heap and fixes the the heap.
- .peak() => Returns the value of the root of the heap.
- .getSize() => Returns the size of the heap;
- .view() => Prints the array of the heap;
import { Graph } from "@ahmeds.gaafer/ts-data-structures";
//The graph can has 2 arguments that are set to false by default.
//The first argument is "isUniDirectional" if you set it to true the graph will be a directed graph.
//The second argument is "isWeighted" if you set it to true the graph will be weighted.
const g = new Graph(); // un-directed un-weighted graph
const g = new Graph(true, false); // directed un-weighted graph.
const g = new Graph(false, true); // un-directed weighted graph.
const g = new Graph(true, true); // directed weighted graph
// You can chain methods that does not return a value
g.addVertex(1).addVertex(2); // valid
g.getNeighbors(1).addVertex(3); // invalid
g.removeVertex(5); // remove a non-existent vertex
// etc...
- .addVertex(v) => Adds vertex to the graph.
- .addEdge(u, v, w: conditional) => Add edge between vertex "u" and vertex "v" . weight of the edge "w" is valid if only the graph is set to be weighted.
- .removeVertex(v) => Removes the vertex from the graph and removes all of the linked edges to it.
- .removeEdge(u, v) => Removes edge between vertex "u" and "v".
- .getVerticesNumbers() => Returns the number of vertices in the Graph.
- .getNeighbors(v) => Returns a the list of neighbors of vertex v
- .view() => Display a visual display of the graphs adjacency list.
Important Note:
Any usage of the functions not mentioned in the functions above might lead to un-expected behavior and may lead to the functions throwing an error.