Create PDF files or images (JPG, PNG, WEBP) from your HTML template.
Create PDF files or images from your HTML template.
More information and examples are available on https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro
| | | |
| --- | --- | --- |
| |
Get Started
For the library to work, you will need an API key, which you can get at https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro. You can also find public template IDs there or create your own.
import { IReceiptPRO } from '@ireceipt.pro/js';
const irp = new IReceiptPRO(process.env.IRETAILPRO_API_KEY);
irp.createJpgFromPublicTemplate("invoice_universal_vzrt6k1s", {
"invoice": {
"number": "13",
"date": "2023-10-03",
"table": {
"headers": [
"rows": [
"values": [
"Gorgeous Fresh Car",
"values": [
"Incredible Rubber Bike",
"values": [
"UX Services",
"values": [
"Development Service",
"total": "$3161.94",
"terms": [
"Payment is due within 5 days",
"Payment method CARD",
"Card Details:",
"Card Number: 4242-4242-4242-4242",
"Sergey Dudko"
"from": {
"companyName": "IReceipt PRO",
"lines": [
"Identification Number: 55891434",
"911 Reece Freeway",
"32390 Kraig Station",
"East Rhea",
"[email protected]"
"to": {
"companyName": "Morissette - Bogisich",
"lines": [
"969 Harber Expressway",
"South Aishaton",
"localization": {
"invoice": "INVOICE",
"bill_to": "BILL TO",
"date": "DATE",
"total": "Total",
"terms_and_conditions": "TERMS & CONDITIONS"
}, {
"width": 796,
"height": 1126
Available methods for generating PDF files and JPG, PNG, WEBP images from public or your personal templates:
| method | description |
| --- | --- |
| createJpgFromPublicTemplate
| Create JPG Image from public template |
| createPdfFromPublicTemplate
| Create PDF File from public template |
| createPngFromPublicTemplate
| Create PNG Image from public template |
| createWebpFromPublicTemplate
| Create WEBP Image from public template |
| createJpgFromPrivateTemplate
| Create JPG Image from private template |
| createPdfFromPrivateTemplate
| Create PDF File from private template |
| createPngFromPrivateTemplate
| Create PNG Image from private template |
| createWebpFromPrivateTemplate
| Create WEBP Image from private template |
All methods have the same arguments, for example:
const buffer: Buffer | ArrayBuffer = await createJpgFromPublicTemplate(templateId, args, size);
| argument | description | required | example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| templateId
| template id, you can find it on https://dashboard.ireceipt.pro | true | gift_card_template_1
| args
| arguments for substitution in the template | true | {"amount": "$25","name": "Gift Card","code": "#1234567890","color": "#ebfdff"}
| size
| the size of the file being created | false | {"width": 796,"height": 1126}
Project outline
The scheme of work looks like this: