Typed.js Svelte component
Svelte Typed.js component
Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.
Checkout the official project here.
Table of contents
npm i -D @loscrackitos/svelte-typed-js
Default import
Import the component:
import TypedJs from '@loscrackitos/svelte-typed-js';
Import the TypedJs
component inside your Svelte template and set the sentences that needs to be typed inside the strings
Simplest usage:
<TypedJs strings="['Hello John', 'Hello Martin']">
<h1 class="typing"></h1>
class also allows you to just animate certain parts of a string:
<TypedJs strings="['John', 'Martin']">
<h1>👋 <span class="typing"></span></h1>
| Property | Type | Description | Usage |
| -------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| strings | Array | strings to be typed | strings="{['Text 1', 'Text 2']}"
| stringsElement | String | ID of element containing string children | stringsElement="myId"
| typeSpeed | Number | type speed in milliseconds | typeSpeed={50}
| startDelay | Number | time before typing starts in milliseconds | startDelay={1000}
| backSpeed | Number | backspacing speed in milliseconds | backSpeed={10}
| smartBackspace | Boolean | only backspace what doesn't match the previous string | smartBackspace={true}
| shuffle | Boolean | shuffle the strings | shuffle={true}
| backDelay | Number | time before backspacing in milliseconds | backDelay={100}
| fadeOut | Boolean | Fade out instead of backspace | fadeOut={true}
| fadeOutClass | String | css class for fade animation | fadeOutClass="fadeOutClass"
| fadeOutDelay | Number | fade out delay in milliseconds | fadeOutDelay={500}
| loop | Boolean | loop strings | loop={true}
| loopCount | Number | amount of loops | loopCount={3}
| showCursor | Boolean | show cursor | showCursor={true}
| cursorChar | String | character for cursor | cursorChar="_"
| autoInsertCss | Boolean | insert CSS for cursor and fadeOut into HTML | autoInsertCss={true}
| attr | String | attribute for typing Ex: input placeholder, value, or just HTML text | attr="placeholder"
| bindInputFocusEvents | Boolean | bind to focus and blur if el is text input | bindInputFocusEvents={true}
| contentType | String | 'html' or 'null' for plaintext | contentType="html"
Available events:
| Event | Description | Usage |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| onComplete | All typing is complete | on:complete={handler}
| preStringTyped | Before each string is typed | on:preStringTyped={handler}
| onStringTyped | After each string is typed | on:stringTyped={handler}
| onLastStringBackspaced | During looping, after last string is typed | on:lastStringBackspaced={handler}
| onTypingPaused | Typing has been stopped | on:typingPaused={handler}
| onTypingResumed | Typing has been started after being stopped | on:typingResumed={handler}
| onReset | After reset | on:reset={handler}
| onStop | After stop | on:stop={handler}
| onStart | After start | on:start={handler}
| onDestroy | After destroy | on:destroy={handler}
Find every features documentation on the main library page.
Here are several examples:
<!-- infinite loop -->
strings="{['awesome', 'brilliant']}"
<p>We are a <span class="typing"></span> company!</p>
<!-- type with some pause -->
strings="{['This is text ^1000 which gets paused for 1 second', 'wow, interesting']}"
<p class="typing"></p>
<!-- render html from strings -->
strings="{['<p>Paragraph</p>', '<span>Span</span>']}"
<p class="typing"></p>