db-callback is very simple yet very powerful tool for interacting with mongodb database and making internal or external API calls. Under the hood db-callback is a wrapper for the nodejs mongodb driver. It also extracts away the complexities commonly encountered in NodeJs Mongodb driver or Mongoose.js. It is also a duplex stream, specifically a Transform stream. It uses full power of the Nodejs mongodb driver and of the NodeJs Transform Stream API. In other words, everything you can do with mongodb NodeJs driver, Mongoose.js and NodeJs Transform API you can do with db-callback! db-callback is centrally very highly event driven. Its common use is by extension or by using object destruction to get the instance methods needed or by simply using class instantiation.
The db-callback object is an ES6 Class with an unlimited constructor parameters. All of the constructor parameters are optional! However, the most important constructor parameter is the first parameter, because it an object that defines your database connection parameters.
How it works
Simple and easy! On average you need no more than 3 lines of code for each of your queries or CRUD operations, even with the most complex ones. For event base queries, db-callback emits two events: a success event and an error event.
Success event: The success event name is the name of db-callback method executed in the query.
Error event: The error event name is the name of db-callback method executed in the query plus the string "-error".
Explanation : If you use the create method in your query, model will emit success event create with the created object or error event create-error with the error object.
$ yarn add @mongodb-model/db-callback
$ npm i @mongodb-model/db-callback
Simple Usage Examples
constructor parameters: first parameter object
const Model = require('@mongodb-model/db-callback');
// Usage
const YourCustomModel = new Model({db: 'your_database_name', collection: 'your_collection_name', url: 'your_database_url'})
// No constructor Parameter provided:
const User = new Model;
// Default collection is 'users'
// Default database name is your .env DATABASE_NAME
// Default database url is your .env DATABASE_URL or 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
// Constructor first parameter object with only collection key
const User = new Model({collection: 'users'});
// Default database name is your .env DATABASE_NAME
// Default database url is your .env DATABASE_URL or 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
// Connecting to multiple databases
const BlogUser = new Model({db: 'blog', collection: 'users'})
const WorkChat = new Model({db: 'work', collection: 'chats'})
const ArticleUser = new Model({db: 'article', collection: 'users'});
const ForumUser = new Model({db: 'forum', collection: 'users'})
// query (create query using ForumUser)
const userData = {firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe', email: '[email protected]'};
ForumUser.on('create', user => console.log('new user created', user));
ForumUser.on('create-error', error => console.log('new user creation error', error));
constructor parameters: all other parameter objects
const Model = require('@mongodb-model/db-callback');
const User = new Model({},{title: 'Cool Users', age: 25, fullName: () => 'User Full Name', Post: class Post {}});
// The User model now has the following added to its prototype and they are bounded to it: title,age, fullName, post
// So now we can do things like the following:
const title = User.title
const age = User.age
const fullname = User.fullName();
const FirstPost = new User.Post
// Or using object destructuring
const {title, age, fullName, Post} = User
Making api request (http request)
const DbCallback = require('@mongodb-model/db-callback');
const db = new DbCallback();
db.apiGet(); //base.apiGet(your api endpoint)
db.on('apiGet', data => console.log(data));
db.on('apiGet-error', error => console.error(error));
By extension
class MyWonderfulClass extends require('@mongodb-model/db-callback') {
constructor(...arrayOfObjects) {
super({ objectMode: true, encoding: "utf-8", autoDestroy: true });
arrayOfObjects.forEach(option => {
if(Object.keys(option).length > 0){
Object.keys(option).forEach((key) => { if(!this[key]) this[key] = option[key];})
common usage example
const DB = require('@mongodb-model/db-callback');
const db = new DB();
// db-callback emits its method names as success events and its method names plus the string "-error" as error events
// create collection
db.on('createCollection', console.log)
db.on('createCollection-error', console.error)
// create
const userData = {firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Doe',email: '[email protected]', phone: '123-456-4343'}
db.on('create', console.log)
db.on('create-error', console.log)
// findByEmail
db.findByEmail('[email protected]')
db.on('findByEmail', console.log)
db.on('findByEmail-error', console.log)
Available instance methods
const DB = require('@mongodb-model/db-callback');
const db = new DB();
// The following functions are available on db, the DB instance, as methods.
createCollection(collectionName = 'users');
dropCollection(collectionName = 'users');
insertOne(data = {}, collectionName = 'users');
create(data = {}, collectionName = 'users');
insertMany(data = [], collectionName = 'users');
createMany(data = [], collectionName = 'users');
findOne(query = {}, collectionName = 'users');
first(query = {}, collectionName = 'users');
find(query = {}, projection = {}, collectionName = 'users');
all(query = {}, projection = {}, collectionName = 'users');
sort(query = {},sort = {},projection = {},collectionName = 'users');
deleteOne(query = {}, collectionName = 'users');
deleteMany(query = {}, collectionName = 'users');
dropCollection(collectionName = 'collectionName', dbName = 'dbName');
collectionDrop(dbName = 'dbName', collectionName = 'collectionName');
updateOne(query = {}, data = {}, collectionName = 'users');
update(query = {}, data = {}, collectionName = 'users');
updateMany(query = {}, data = {}, collectionName = 'users');
limit(query = {},limit = 1,projection = {},collectionName = 'users');
letfJoin(collectionOne = "users", collectionTwo = "contacts", localField = "_id", foreignField = "user_id", as = "usersContacts");
findById(id, collectionName = 'users');
findByEmail(email, collectionName = 'users');
firstByEmail(email, collectionName = 'users');
firstByUsername(username, collectionName = 'users');
firstByPhone(phone, collectionName = 'users');
firstByFirstName(firstname, collectionName = 'users');
firstByLastName(lastname, collectionName = 'users');
findByQuery(query = {}, projection = {}, collectionName = 'users');
firstByQuery(query = {}, collectionName = 'users');
firstByToken(token, collectionName = 'users')
Author's Info
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