Find more at libraries and examples at [NgServe.io](https://ngserve.io).
Find more at libraries and examples at NgServe.io.
This library was generated with Nx.
Running unit tests
Run nx test shared-utilities
to execute the unit tests via Jest.
This is a utilities library provided by https://ngserve.io.
export type Func<T, R> = (item: T) => R;
export type FuncVoid<T> = (item: T) => void;
export type PropertyOrFunc<T, R> = string | Func<T, R> | FuncVoid<T>;
export type StringOrNumber = string | number;
export type SortType = 'desc' | 'asc' | null | undefined;
export type Nullable<T> = T | null;
export type KeyOfType<T> = keyof T;
export type Subset<K> = {
[attr in KeyOfType<K>]?: K[attr] extends object ? Subset<K[attr]> : K[attr];
Object Utilities
isNullOrUndefined(value: any): boolean
Checks if the passed in value is null
or undefined
isNullOrUndefined(null); // true
isNullOrUndefined(undefined); // true
isNullOrUndefined(0); // false
isNullOrUndefined(-1); // false
isNullOrUndefined({}); // false
isNullOrUndefined(''); // false
isNullOrUndefined('124'); // false
isNullOrUndefined({ a: '1234' }); // false
isNumber(value:any): boolean
Check if the passed value is a number.
isNumber(''); //false
isNumber({}); //false
isNumber(new Date()); // false
isNumber(1); //true
isNumber(-1); //true
isNumber(1.01234); //true
isString(value: any): boolean
Checks if the type of the value passed in is of type string.
isString(null); // false
isString(undefined); // false
isString(''); //true
isString('1234'); //true
isString({}); // false
isString(0.1234); // false
isString(1); // false
isFunction(value: any): boolean
Checks the type of the value passed in is a function.
isFunction(console.log); // true
isFunction(() => {}); // true
isFunction(undefined); // false
isFunction(null); // false
isFunction(''); // false
isFunction('1234'); // false
isFunction({}); // false
isFunction(0.1234); // false
isFunction(1); // false
Checks for a value that is a string
, number
, boolean
isPrimitive(1); //true
isPrimitive(true); //true
isPrimitive('Sample String'); //true
isPrimitive({ name: 'Yzerman' }); //false;
isPrimitive(undefined); //false
isPrimitive(null); //false
isPrimitive({ name: 'Hootie' }.name); //true
Checks for is a value is of type boolean
isBoolean(true); // true
isBoolean(false); // true
isBoolean(undefined); // false
isBoolean(null); // false
isBoolean(''); // false
isBoolean({}); // false
isEmpty(value: any): boolean
Checks for an empty string, array, null, undefined.
isEmpty(null); // true
isEmpty(undefined); // true
isEmpty(''); // true
isEmpty([]); // true
isEmpty(' '); // false
isEmpty([1]); // false
notEmpty(value: any): boolean
Checks the opposite of isEmpty
notEmpty(null); // false
notEmpty(undefined); // false
notEmpty(''); // false
notEmpty([]); // false
notEmpty(' '); // true
notEmpty([1]); // true
anyEmpty(value:...items: T[]): boolean
Checks any array of values to see if there are any values that match isEmpty
anyEmpty(null); // true
anyEmpty(undefined); // true
anyEmpty([]); // true
anyEmpty('1', '2', null); // true
anyEmpty('1', '2', undefined); // true
anyEmpty('1', ''); // true
anyEmpty('1234', '12341234', ''); // true
anyEmpty('1234', '123455', 'asdfasdfasdf'); // false
allEmpty(items:...T[]): boolean
Checks if all values for a list of arguments is empty
allEmpty(null, undefined, ''); // true
allEmpty(null, undefined, '1234'); // false
hasKeys(value: any): boolean
Checks if the value provided has any keys
hasKeys({ a: '1', b: '2' }); // true
hasKeys({}); // false
hasKeys(null); // false
hasKeys(undefined); // false
getNestedValue(value: any, keyProperty: string): T
const testObj = {
a: {
b: '1234',
c: undefined,
getNestedValue<string>(testObj, 'a.b'); // 1234
getNestedValue(null, 'a.b'); // null);
getNestedValue(testObj, null); // null);
getNestedValue(testObj, ''); // null);
getNestedValue(testObj, 'a.c'); // null);
defaultIfEmpty(obj: any, property: string, defaultValue: T): T
Provides a default value if the nested property is empty
const testObj = {
a: {
b: '1234',
defaultIfEmpty<string>(testObj, 'a.b', 'Hootie Hoo'); // 1234
defaultIfEmpty<string>(testObj, 'a.c', 'Hootie Hoo'); // Hootie Hoo
removeProperty(obj: T | Partial, propertyName: keyof T): Partial
Removes a property from the object
const testObj = {
a: '1234',
b: '12345',
removeProperty(testObj, 'a'); // { b: '12345' };
groupDictionary(items: T[], propName: PropertyOrFunc<T, StringOrNumber>): { [key: string]: T[] }
Groups values together by a particular property value or if the function provided returns true for the value of T passed to the function.
const states = [
{ id: 1, name: 'MI', lake: 'Michigan' },
{ id: 2, name: 'NV', lake: 'Mead' },
{ id: 3, name: 'CA', lake: 'Tahoe' },
{ id: 4, name: 'MI', lake: 'Huron' },
{ id: 5, name: 'MN', lake: 'Minnetonka' },
{ id: 6, name: 'MN', lake: 'Superior' },
{ id: 7, name: 'MI', lake: 'Superior' },
const byStateName = groupDictionary(states, (state) => state.name);
Object.keys(byStateName).length; // 4
byStateName['MI'].length; // 3
byStateName['MN'].length; //2
patchValues(obj: T, patchValue: Subset): T
Patches the values from the patchValue
into the object. *
const obj = { id: '1234', nickNames: { names: ['Joe', 'Randal The Candid'] } };
const patchValue = { name: { first: 'hootie', last: 'blowfish' }, nickNames: { names: [] } };
const patchedValue = patchValues(obj, patchValue);
// output:
// {
// id: '1234',
// nickNames: { names: [] },
// name: { first: 'hootie', last: 'blowfish' }
// }
Note - Array property value will be overwritten.
Functions show below are based off the test data below.
const testItems = [
{ id: '1', name: 'S', value: 1234, obj: { name: 'a' } },
{ id: '2', name: 'S', value: 12345, obj: { name: 'b' } },
{ id: '3', name: 'T', value: 123456, obj: { name: 'c' } },
{ id: '4', name: 'V', value: 1234567, obj: { name: 'd' } },
{ id: '5', name: 'S', value: 123451234, obj: { name: 'e' } },
groupBy(value: Array, propName: PropertyOrFunc<T, string>): { key: string, value: T[] }[]
Groups an array of values by a particular property or a function that returns a string value and creates an array of {key: string, value[]: T}
groupBy(testItems, 'name');
key: 'S',
value: [{ id: 1, ...}, { id: 2, ...}, { id: 3... }]
key: 'T',
value: [{ id: 3, ... }]
key: 'V',
value: [{ id: 4, ... }]
sortBy(value: Array, propName?: any, order?: SortType)
Sorts an array of values by a property, nested property, or defined by a delegate function that returns a StringOrNumber
// Nested property sorting
const sorted = sortBy(testItems, 'obj.name', 'asc');
// Sorting by function
const sorted1 = sortBy(testItems, (item) => item.obj.name, 'asc');
toDictionary(objects: T[], propName: PropertyOrFunc<T, StringOrNumber>): Record<string, T>
Turns an array of objects into a dictionary of values.
toDictionary(testItems, 'id');
toDictionary(testItems, item => item.id);
/* {
'1': {
id: 1, ....
'2': {
id: 2, ....
} *
chunkMap<T, R>(items: T[], chunkSize = 500,mapFunc?: (item: T[], index: number) => R[]): Array<R[]>
Takes an array of values and provides and an array of R[]
for each index of chunkSize
The mapFunc
allows to transform the value of T
into the new R
value of a certain chunk of T
chunkMap(testItems, 2);
[{id: 1, ...}, { id: 2,... }],
[{ id: 3,... }, { id: 4, ... }],
[{ id: 5,... }]
chunkAsync(items: T[], chunkSize: number, func: (item: T[]) => Promise): Promise
Takes an array of items which loops though each chunk. Each chunk is sent to the promise delegate func
chunkAsync(testItems, 500, (items) => {
// Add Promise here
return Promise.resolve();
() => console.log('completed'),
(err) => console.error('failed')
distinct(values: T[]): T[]
Returns a distinct set of numbers or strings from the array of values
const values = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', '5', '12', 'b'];
// ['a', 'b', 'c', '5', '12']
covertPartialToDotPathKeys(item: Partial): Record<string, unknown>
Converts a Partial into a Record<string, unknown>. Primarily created for the ability to update properties of a Firebase document.
type PlayerInfo = {
fullName: {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
active: boolean;
number: number;
const value = {
fullName: {
lastName: 'Yzerman',
active: false,
number: undefined,
} as Partial<PlayerInfo>;
const convertedKeyPath = covertPartialToDotPathKeys(value);
Output: convertedKeyPath = {
['fullName.lastName']: 'Yzerman',
['active']: false
String Utilities
formatString(template: string, data: Partial = {}): string
Allows for string interpolation of all the keys of the object data that's passed in. Only goes one level deep for the keys.
formatString('Welcome {{ firstName }} {{lastName}}', {
firstName: 'Paul',
lastName: 'Coffey',
// Welcome Paul Coffey
isEmptyOrWhiteSpace(obj: string): boolean
Checks if the string is empty or full of white space
isEmptyOrWhiteSpace(''); // true
isEmptyOrWhiteSpace(' '); //true
isEmail(email: string): boolean
Uses the regex /^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/;
to check for a valid email.
isEmail('[email protected]'); // true
isEmail(''); //false
isUrl(url: string): boolean
Uses the regex /^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([-.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/;
to check for a valid url.
isUrl('https://google.com'); // true
isUrl('https://ngserve.io.com'); // true
isUrl('asdfasdfasdfas'); // false
converToQueryStringParams(Record<string, StringOrNumber | boolean>)
Converts an object to querystring parameters. This will encode each value using the encodeURIComponent
param1: 'hi',
param2: 1
param3: false
}); // param1=hi¶m2=1¶m3=false
Promise Utilities
wait(ms: number): Promise
Waits the number of miliseconds provided.
wait(1000).then(() => {
console.log("it's been one second");
pick<T, K extends KeyOfType>(obj: T, keys: K[]): Pick<T, K>
Picks properties off of a particular object
const obj = {
name: 'test',
nestedObj: {
firstName: 'hootie',
lastName: 'hoo',
arr: [],
// { name: 'test', arr: [] }
const returnedObj = pick(obj, ['name', 'arr']);
omit<T, K extends KeyOfType>(obj: T, keys: K[]): Omit<T, K>
Omits properties off of a particular project
const obj = {
name: 'test',
nestedObj: {
firstName: 'hootie',
lastName: 'hoo',
arr: [],
// { name: 'test', nestedObj: { firstName: 'hootie', lastName: 'hoo' } }
const returnedObj = omit(obj, ['arr']);