


## Purpose




Shared-UI package


This package contains React components for SideShift UIs. Used by packages:

  • frontend
  • widget (currently widget is in frontend)



Scrips for development can be found in packages.json as scripts. For development we are using storybook which works well with HMR and makes easy to test, develop and maintain UI components. To run use:

$ yarn workspace @sideshift/shared-ui dev


Tests are written using jest and testing-library. To run tests use:

$ yarn workspace @sideshift/shared-ui test


Linting rules are the same as frontend package have. To run linter use:

$ yarn workspace @sideshift/shared-ui lint


For building the project, we are using rollup instead of webpack (See Architecture section). To build project run:

$ yarn workspace @sideshift/shared-ui build

Best practices

  • Try to keep dependencies as few as it's possible. Relying on 3rd party code can slow down development since we need to track updates and be sure they not breaking anything. Dependencies also can introduce security issues.
  • Try to write general components, don't use business logic and keep them independent from other packages and layouts.

Additional info


The package tries to manage it's own dependencies independently from the monorepo. For generating configs yarn workspace @sideshift/tools monorepo-update is used as well as in other packages, but configs are trying to not extend anything. This can help us to develop faster and separate it easily once we want to. The project uses Rollup instead of Webpack because it's better for building libraries.


We should use components from here wherewer we can. Once we are starting to separate widget from frontend, it should build it's UI based on this package. Also we can build new (or while refactoring) frontend UIs using this package.