generate mermaid representations of your angular component hierarchy
Generate Mermaid representations of your Angular component hierarchy representation based on the route configurations.
- Visualize Angular routing component hierarchy using Mermaid.js.
- Supports eagerly and lazily loaded components.
- Optionally include services in the visualization.
Navigate to the directory that contains the routes from which the graph should be generated.
cd src/app
npx @tsharp/ng-component-hierarchy-visualizer ng-route-hierarchy [path-to-routes-file] --withServices
- Defaults to
if no [path-to-routes-file] is provided. - Use --withServices to include injected services in the output. (ignores Angular services for clarity)
- Use --withNestedDependencies to include importet standalone elements (components, pipes, directives) in the output. (ignores Angular elements for clarity)
- Use --basePath= to execute from this location.
- go to Stackblitz and run:
npx @tsharp/ng-component-hierarchy-visualizer ng-route-hierarchy app.routes.ts --withServices --basePath=quickapp.client/src/app
- Find file Component-Diagram.mmd
- copy output to Mermaid JS
Generates Mermaid Flowcharts that can be used directly in github and everywhere else where mermaid is rendered natively.
flowchart LR
Root -.-o HomeComponent(HomeComponent)
Root -.-o LoginComponent(LoginComponent)
Root -.-o CustomersComponent(CustomersComponent)
Root -.-o ProductsComponent(ProductsComponent)
Root -.-o OrdersComponent(OrdersComponent)
Root -.-o SettingsComponent(SettingsComponent)
Root -.-o AboutComponent(AboutComponent)
Root -.-o NotFoundComponent(NotFoundComponent)
HomeComponent --- AuthService{{AuthService}}
HomeComponent --- ConfigurationService{{ConfigurationService}}
AuthService --- OidcHelperService{{OidcHelperService}}
AuthService --- ConfigurationService{{ConfigurationService}}
AuthService --- LocalStoreManager{{LocalStoreManager}}
OidcHelperService --- LocalStoreManager{{LocalStoreManager}}
OidcHelperService --- ConfigurationService{{ConfigurationService}}
ConfigurationService --- LocalStoreManager{{LocalStoreManager}}
ConfigurationService --- AppTranslationService{{AppTranslationService}}
ConfigurationService --- ThemeManager{{ThemeManager}}
AppTranslationService --- TranslateService{{TranslateService}}
LoginComponent --- AlertService{{AlertService}}
LoginComponent --- AuthService{{AuthService}}
LoginComponent --- ConfigurationService{{ConfigurationService}}
SettingsComponent --- AccountService{{AccountService}}
AccountService --- AuthService{{AuthService}}
AccountService --- AccountEndpoint{{AccountEndpoint}}
AccountEndpoint --- ConfigurationService{{ConfigurationService}}
Or it can be pasted into the mermaid live editor: Mermaid JS
Known Limitations
At this stage the library does have some limitations:
- Optimised for Standalone: Modules only get parsed for the routes.
- Path Resolution: Unusual project structures may cause resolution issues.
Check out Detective for even more insights into your Angular/TS Apps.
npx @softarc/detective detective
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes.