npm package discovery and stats viewer.

Discover Tips

  • General search

    [free text search, go nuts!]

  • Package details


  • User packages



Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




a yarn cli tool helper






mobilepurepipethrottledebugwatchopenreducestringifierString.prototype.matchAllcoercibleeslintplugindataViewpicomatchfastcloneclassnamesdefinePropertysetImmediatemonorepostreamsstreams2json-schemadeleteStreamspluginconfigpropertiesprototypefindLastIndexES8streamremovemimetypesrm -frguidloggingsuperagenttslibwritei18nprivate datafunctionssigint256jsonmatchstdlibFloat32Arrayrgbjwtapollodeterministicreduxchailengthurlinternal slotpreserve-symlinksparsemapbyteES6typeeast-asian-widthmkdirpstylingCSSUnderscoremime-dbbddefficientES2017throatphoneES2018pnpm9poseawesomesaucesortedprotobufjasmineindicatoriterationincludesfull-widthintrinsicrequesthigher-orderreadablestreamshamECMAScript 3charactersestreecolorstrimLeftsameValueZeroStyleSheetes2015Object_.extendBigInt64ArrayECMAScript 2017gradients css3react posesetterresolveRxJSoperating-systemsignalsairbnbargvnpmletconstTypeScriptRFC-6455eslint-pluginformattinges7yupflatgetPrototypeOfimmutablepopmotionentriescharacterdeepcopyyamlutilityclassesescapecallasyncsanitizemulti-packagequoteframeworkoptimistbcryptvariablespreprocessorxhrinvariantwidthInt8ArraypolyfillObservablermregularflagReflect.getPrototypeOfstyleseveryzerojson-schema-validationwordwrapconnectbyteLengthrapidspinnerArrayBuffercommanderexpressionbufferESnextsettingsthreemomentmergefindupspeedhelpersArray.prototype.flatMap-0less compilertermschemaconsoletraversescheme-validationsafecachestructuredClonefast-deep-cloneFunction.prototype.namelazycolourcolorcommandTypedArraystyleinspectquerystringcryptcall-boundregular expressionmixinsprefixdebuggerstylesheetsetmovelook-updroputilstimesharedarraybufferES2023testingpersistentArray.prototype.containsrm -rfgetoptlanguagedescriptor3dcollectionFloat64Arrayreal-timefromredux-toolkitdeepbindSymbolnumberimportflatMaprequiredefineBigUint64Arrayfile systemcall-bindenvironmentmetadatareducerauthenticationflattenoptiontostringtagerrorenvfolderfilterdatecopywatchingpackage managerArray.prototype.flattenerror-handlingsymboltrimStartES2019typanionlockfiletranspileargumentl10nonceemitnamesArrayBuffer#sliceworkspace:*transpilergenericsECMAScript 6String.prototype.trimtypeoffast-clonecurriedObject.isArrayBuffer.prototype.sliceES2020astES2021expressArray.prototype.filterrmdirregular expressionsponyfillbundlerqueueMicrotaskArray.prototype.findLastwaittsUint8ClampedArraytypedvaluelesscsssymlinktrimjsxcompilerdeepclonegraphqlArray.prototype.includescolumnECMAScript 2018fseventsnegativecssredactdatagetarktypetypedarraywrapECMAScript 2016matchesAsyncIteratortoolsfiledatastructurecolumnsmakeES3asciiextravisualECMAScript 2019packageslimitedsignalJSONoptimizerpromisesstringifyeslintconfiges2017ajax0tc39Iteratorchinesenegative zerotrimEndbrowserslisthookscensores8cloneeventschromiumchannelfullwidthtacitcode pointsdescriptiongroupBybannersanitizationkeyperformanceReactiveExtensions



a yarn cli tool helper


npm install

recommend use npx way

npm install -g @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni yarn

u can use alias name yt instead of @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni, when installed

yt <command> 


npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni <command> 



yt --help
yt <cmd> --help

$ @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni --help
yt <command>

  yt add [name]     Installs a package
  yt bin            Get the path to a binary script.
  yt create         create a npm package or update package.json file
  yt dedupe [cwd]   package deduplication for yarn.lock             [aliases: d]
  yt dlx            Run a package in a temporary environment. require yarn
                    version >= 2
  yt init           create a npm package or update package.json file
  yt install [cwd]  do dedupe with yarn install                     [aliases: i]
  yt link           Symlink a package folder during development.
  yt list           List installed packages.
  yt lockfile       show yarn.lock info
  yt ncu [-u]       Find newer versions of dependencies than what your
                    package.json allows                        [aliases: update]
  yt node           Run node with the hook already setup.
  yt pack           Creates a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies.
  yt publish        publish a npm package                        [aliases: push]
  yt remove         Running yarn remove foo will remove the package named foo
                    from your direct dependencies updating your package.json and
                    yarn.lock files in the process.                [aliases: rm]
  yt run            Runs a defined package script.
  yt sort           sort package.json file
  yt test           Runs the test script defined by the package.
  yt types [name]   Installs @types/* of packages if not exists in package.json
  yt unlink         To remove a symlinked package created with yarn link, yarn
                    unlink can be used.
  yt unplug         Temporarily copies a package (with an optional @range
                    suffix) outside of the global cache for debugging purposes
                                                                 [aliases: upnp]
  yt upgrade        Symlink a package folder during development.
                                                          [aliases: upgrade, up]
  yt versions       Displays version information of the currently installed
                    Yarn, Node.js, and its dependencies.
  yt why            Show information about why a package is installed.
  yt ws <cmd>       yarn workspaces         [aliases: ws, workspaces, workspace]

  --cwd                 current working directory or package directory
                                                [string] [default: "G:\Users\The
  --skipCheckWorkspace  this options is for search yarn.lock, pkg root,
                        workspace root, not same as
                        --ignore-workspace-root-check                  [boolean]
  --yt-debug-mode                                                      [boolean]
  -v, --version         Show version number                            [boolean]
  -h, --help            Show help                                      [boolean]

yt ws

yt ws <cmd>

yarn workspaces

  yt ws add     Installs a package in workspaces.
  yt ws info    Show information about your workspaces.
  yt ws init    create yarn workspaces
  yt ws remove  Remove a package in workspaces.
  yt ws run     run script by lerna
  yt ws exec    Execute an arbitrary command in each package

yt ncu

yt ncu [-u]

Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json

  --version             顯示版本                                          [布林]
  --cwd                 current working directory or package directory
                                                   [字串] [預設值: "G:\Users\The
  --skipCheckWorkspace  this options is for search yarn.lock, pkg root,
                        workspace root, not same as
                        --ignore-workspace-root-check                     [布林]
  --yt-debug-mode                                                         [布林]
  --help                顯示說明                                          [布林]
  --dep                 check only a specific section(s) of dependencies:
                        prod|dev|peer|optional|bundle (comma-delimited)   [字串]
  --minimal, -m         do not upgrade newer versions that are already satisfied
                        by the version range according to semver          [布林]
  --newest, -n          find the newest versions available instead of the latest
                        stable versions                                   [布林]
  --packageManager, -p  npm (default) or bower            [字串] [預設值: "npm"]
  --registry, -r        specify third-party npm registry                  [字串]
  --silent, -s          don't output anything (--loglevel silent)         [布林]
  --greatest, -g        find the highest versions available instead of the
                        latest stable versions                            [布林]
  --upgrade, -u         overwrite package file                            [布林]
  --semverLevel         find the highest version within "major" or "minor"[字串]
  --removeRange         remove version ranges from the final package version
  --dedupe              remove upgrade module from resolutions
                                                           [布林] [預設值: true]

yt add

yt add [name]

Installs a package

  --version                          顯示版本                             [布林]
  --cwd                              current working directory or package
                                     directory     [字串] [預設值: "G:\Users\The
  --skipCheckWorkspace               this options is for search yarn.lock, pkg
                                     root, workspace root, not same as
                                     --ignore-workspace-root-check        [布林]
  --yt-debug-mode                                                         [布林]
  --help                             顯示說明                             [布林]
  --dev, -D                          install packages to devDependencies. [布林]
  --peer, -P                         install packages to peerDependencies.[布林]
  --optional, -O                     install packages to optionalDependencies.
  --exact, -E                        see
  --tilde, -T                        see
  --audit                            see
  --name                                                           [字串] [必須]
  --dedupe, -d                       Data deduplication for yarn.lock
                                                           [布林] [預設值: true]
  --ignore-workspace-root-check, -W  see
  --types, --type                    try auto install @types/* too        [布林]


this same as yarn, but will do dedupe

npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni install


Data deduplication for yarn.lock

npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni dedupe
npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni dedupe C:/xxxx/packages/name
npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni dedupe .


this same as yarn add [name], but will do dedupe before install by default

npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni add @bluelovers/tsconfig -D


Show help

npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni help
npx @wemnyelezxnpm/dicta-expedita-magni --help