An angular directive that utilizes autoNumeric to format an input field as currency as a user types
Angular Currency Directive
Current Version
This is an angular 1.x directive that utilizes AutoNumeric to format an input field as currency as a user types.
- 'bower install angular-currency'
- Include
which should be located at `bower_omponents/autoNumeric/autoNumeric.js' - Include 'angular-currency' provided by this component into your app
- Add
as a module dependency to your app
<input type="text" ng-model="currency" angular-currency="options" variable-options="true" />
Directive Attributes
angular-currency: The options to be passed into AutoNumeric
variable-options: If you will be using dynamic options this needs to be set to true
, otherwise the directive will not watch for options updates and update AutoNumeric
Angular Currency allows for all options supported by AutoNumeric.
"aSep": controls the thousand separator character
- aSep: ',' comma (default)
- aSep: ''' apostrophe (note: the apostrophe is escaped)
- aSep: '.' period
- aSep: ' ' space
- aSep: '' none
"dGroup": controls the digital grouping and the placement of the thousand separator
- dGroup: '3' produces 333,333,333 (default)
- dGroup: '2' produces 22,22,22,333 (India's Lakhs format on values below 1 billion)
- dGroup: '4' produces 4,4444,4444 used in some Asian country's
"aDec": controls the decimal character
- aDec: '.' period (default)
- aDec: ',' comma
"altDec": this was developed to accommodate for different keyboard layouts. altDec allows you to declare an alternative key to enter the decimal separator assigned in aDec
- altDec: null (default)
"aSign": displays the desired currency symbol (examples: € or EUR). Note: other symbols can be used, such as %, °C, °F, km/h & MPH the possibilities are endless
- aSign: '' none (default)
- example - aSign: 'U$D'
"pSign": controls the placement of the currency symbol (prefix or suffix)
- pSign: 'p' prefix to the left (default)
- pSign: 's' suffix to the right
"vMin": controls the minimum value allowed
- vMin: '-9999999999999.99' (default)
- example - vMin: '0.00'
"vMax": controls the maximum value allowed
- vMax: '9999999999999.99' (default)
Note - setting the vMin and vMax to both positive or negative with situations that limits the users ability to enter the proper values
"mDec": overrides the decimal places that that are set via the vMin/vMax values
- mDec: null (default method)
- example - mDec: '4'
"mRound": sets the rounding method used (10 different available)
- mRound: 'S' Round-Half-Up Symmetric (default)
- mRound: 'A' Round-Half-Up Asymmetric
- mRound: 's' Round-Half-Down Symmetric (lower case s)
- mRound: 'a' Round-Half-Down Asymmetric (lower case a)
- mRound: 'B' Round-Half-Even "Bankers Rounding"
- mRound: 'U' Round Up "Round-Away-From-Zero"
- mRound: 'D' Round Down "Round-Toward-Zero" - same as truncate
- mRound: 'C' Round to Ceiling "Toward Positive Infinity"
- mRound: 'F' Round to Floor "Toward Negative Infinity"
- mRound: 'CHF' Rounding for Swiss currency "to the nearest .00 or .05"
"aPad": controls padding of the decimal places
- aPad: true always pads the decimal with zeros (default)
- aPad: false no padding
"nBracket": controls if negative values are display with brackets when the input does not have focus
- nBracket: null no brackets use for negative values (default)
- nBracket: '(,)'
- nBracket: '[,]'
- nBracket: '{,}'
- nBracket: '<,>'
"wEmpty": controls input display behavior
- wEmpty: 'empty' allows input to be empty (default)
- wEmpty: 'zero' input field will have at least a zero value
- wEmpty: 'sign' the currency symbol is always present### Methods that are supported:
"lZero": controls leading zeros behavior
- lZero: 'allow' allows leading zero to be entered. They are removed on focusout event (default)
- lZero: 'deny' leading zeros not allowed.
- lZero: 'keep' leading zeros allowed and will be retained on the focusout event
"aForm": controls if default values are formatted on page ready (load)
- aForm: true default values are formatted on page ready (default)
- aForm: false default values are NOT formatted on page ready
"anDefault": helper option for ASP.NET post-back
- should be the value of the un-formatted default value
- this can be set as an option or HTML5 data
- examples:
- no default value='' {anDefault: ''}
- value=1234.56 {anDefault: '1234.56'}
Additional Info
Unit Tests
Unit tests are done with Karma using Mocha and Chai
Code Quality
Code quality is ensured using JSHint