Collection of Big Commerce API clients in javascript.
BigCommerce JS API
This is a collection of clients, designed to connect to the Big Commerce APIs. There is one client per API.
Getting started
The clients are already built and tested, though this project is designed to easily rebuild and update clients as changes are made to the published BC apis. To get started though, that is not required.
- Clone this repo
- Set your store up as described under Authentication
- Use yarn/npm to install dependencies
- Run the test suites
To run the full suite of tests:
cd clients
yarn install
yarn test
Or to test one api, for instance:
cd clients/Themes
yarn install
yarn test
Or one method:
cd clients/WishlistsApi
yarn install
yarn test --grep wishlistsGet
- Create your BigCommerce Store and App if you haven't already
- Obtain your store hash, client id and access token
- Rename gulpfile.config.sample.json to gulpfile.config.json and fill in the values
Including a client in your project
Create a new project or add deps to an existing project
npm init
npm install --save babel-cli babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend babel-preset-env babel-preset-stage-0 big-commerce-js
Add authentication config.js
const config = {
clientId: '<your client id>',
accessToken: '<your access token>',
storeId: '<your store id>',
module.exports = config;
Sample code index.js
import { Wishlists, BCApiClient } from 'bigcommerce-api-js';
import config from './config';
const api = new Wishlists.WishlistsApi(new BCApiClient(config));
const getWishlists = async () => {
try {
const wishlists = await api.wishlistsGet();;
} catch (error) {
Run sample code
babel-node index.js
Updating the client libraries
You can either update a single library, or all of them. The spec files are grabbed from bigcommerce servers, and processed on the fly, so there is no need to download or maintain them. The swagger codegen tool will also be downloaded automatically if needed.
npm install
gulp buildAll
cd clients && npm install
gulp buildOne --name StoreInfoApi
Adding a new API
Make sure it is in the gulpfile.esm.js and in the index.js. Update as above.
Update the version number in package.json.
npm install
gulp buildAll
cd clients && npm install && cd ..
npm run build
npm publish