npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Cordova Plugin for the Node+ Platform developed by Variable, Inc.





This plugin provides access to some native functionality using the Node+ Platform developed by Variable, Inc. via a global node object.

This plugin is being built apart from a separate AngularJS Module that I am also developing that will use this Cordova Plugin; it may be found at cjschooley/ng-node (NYI).


I know that I cannot be the only developer out there who wants to use Variable's Node+ Platform using Cordova; if you would like to contribute, open issues or offer suggestions, that'd be awesomesauce. :)

As I am developing this for my employer, there are a couple modules taking the forefront (Therma and Thermocouple), but I do intend on building this beyond those two; again, contributions welcome.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS


cordova plugin add

You may also install the plugin via the NPM Registry, but it is not recommended at this time; NPM strips out all Symbolic Links upon publishing thus screwing with the iOS Framework copied within this repository. Please see Cordova Issue CB-6092; linked therein, also, NPM Issue 3310.

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-node

I will continue to maintain the package there as well regardless.


  • node.connect
  • node.disconnect
  • node.requestBatteryLevel
  • node.setStreamMode
  • node.setStreamModeThermocouple


Connect to a Node+ Device.

node.connect(options, success, failure);


    address: 'AA:BB:CC:11:22:33', // Required; MAC Address or UUID for Android and iOS respectively
    batteryListener: true,        // Optional; listen for low/critical battery (see Events); defaults true
    buttonListener: true,         // Optional; listen for button to be pushed and released (see Events); defaults true
    disconnectListener: true      // Optional; listen for the node to disconnect (see Events); defaults true
  function(result) {alert('We connected to your Node!')},
  function(error) {alert('Unfortunately, we were unable to connect to your Node.')}


Disconnect from currently-connected Node+ Device.

node.disconnect(success, failure);


  function(result) {alert('We disconnected from your Node!')},
  function(error) {alert('Really!? An error occurred as we were attempting to disconnect your Node? How absurd.')}


Request that the Node update its Battery Level and return the percentage to your success callback.

node.requestBatteryLevel(success, failure);

Success Result

  "percent": 75,
  "volts": 4.075123


  function(result) {alert('Your Node is currently at '+result.percent+'%.')}, // Alerts "Your Node is currently at 75%." with above result.
  function(error) {alert('Hmmm...')}


Allows the developer to set the stream mode of the Therma (Infrared) Module. In addition to the standard options, success and failure parameters, we may provide a stream callback. When enabling, the success callback simply signifies that you were successful in enabling the Therma Module; when disabling, the success callback will contain the last result that the stream callback passed (or would've passed if you chose to not provide a stream callback).

node.setStreamMode(options, success, failure, stream);

Success and Stream Result

  "event": "onTemperatureReading",
  "sensor": "therma",
  "celsius": 23.969995,
  "fahrenheit": 75.14599609375


// Enabling the Therma Module
    irMode: true,   // Optional; Enable or Disable the Therma Module with `true` or `false` respectively; defaults `false`
    ledMode: true   // Optional; Enable or Disable the LED Leads on the Therma Module with `true` or `false` respectively; defaults `false`
  function(result) {alert('Your Therma Module has been enabled.')},         // `result` will be `undefined`.
  function(error) {alert('We were unable to enable the Therma Module.')},
  function(stream) {console.log(stream.fahrenheit)}                         // Will log the `75.14599609375` with above result; please note: this will trigger rapidly.

// Disabling the Therma Module
  {},               // Required; the keys are optional, not the parameter
  function(result) {alert('The surface temperature of the portrait on the wall is '+Math.round(result.fahrenheit)+'°F.')},  // Alerts "The surface temperature of the portrait on the wall is 75°F." with above result.
  function(error) {alert('Well, we apparently failed at turning off this sensor...')}
  // Notice the complete lack of a `stream` callback; completely optional - even when we enable the sensor.


Allows the developer to set the stream mode of the Thermocouple (Probe) Module. In addition to the standard options, success and failure parameters, we may provide a stream callback. When enabling, the success callback simply signifies that you were successful in enabling the Thermocouple Module; when disabling, the success callback will contain the last result that the stream callback passed (or would've passed if you chose to not provide a stream callback).

node.setStreamModeThermocouple(options, success, failure, stream);

Success and Stream Result

  "event": "onThermoCoupleReading",
  "sensor": "thermocouple",
  "celsius": 23.969995,
  "fahrenheit": 75.14599609375


// Enabling the Thermocouple Module
    enabled: true,  // Optional; Enable or Disable the Thermocouple Module with `true` or `false` respectively; defaults `false`
    period: 10,     // Optional; The period between readings in units of 10ms (period * 10ms); defaults 0
    lifetime: 0     // Optional; The number of readings to collect; defaults 0 (infinite)
  function(result) {alert('Your Thermocouple Module has been enabled.')},       // `result` will be `undefined`.
  function(error) {alert('We were unable to enable the Thermocouple Module.')},
  function(stream) {console.log(stream.fahrenheit)}                             // Will log the `75.14599609375` with above result; please note: this will trigger rapidly.

// Disabling the Thermocouple Module
  {},               // Required; the keys are optional, not the parameter
  function(result) {alert('The core liver temperature is '+Math.round(result.fahrenheit)+'°F.')},  // Alerts "The score liver temperature is 75°F." with above result.
  function(error) {alert('Well, we apparently failed at turning off this sensor; keep probing that liver!')}
  // Notice the complete lack of a `stream` callback; completely optional - even when we enable the sensor.


  • node-battery-status
  • node-battery-low
  • node-battery-critical
  • node-button-pushed
  • node-button-released
  • node-disconnected


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device's Battery Level changes from the current level.


window.addEventListener("node-battery-status", function(battery) {
  alert("Battery at "+battery.percent+"% capacity.");


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device's Battery Level dips below 30%. (This will be made configurable at some point.)


window.addEventListener("node-battery-low", function(battery) {
  alert("I dare say good sir or madam; it would seem that your Node's battery strength is weakening; presently it rests at "+battery.percent+"%.");


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device's Battery Level dips below 10%. (This will be made configurable at some point.)


window.addEventListener("node-battery-critical", function(battery) {
  alert("Hehe, you Node is at "+battery.percent+"%; you better get your Node plugged into something right away...");


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device's Button is pushed. Currently, no additional data is passed along with the event.


window.addEventListener("node-button-pushed", function() {
  alert("You make me pulse my lights when you push my button! Love, Node");


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device's Button is released. Currently, no additional data is passed along with the event.


window.addEventListener("node-button-released", function() {
  alert("You got bored? Why'd you release my button?");


Event dispatched when the connected Node+ Device disconnects. Currently, no additional data is passed along with the event.


window.addEventListener("node-disconnected", function() {
  alert("Sorry, but we lost your Node.");