A tiny lightweight logger module used by many codeProgressive projects.
A tiny lightweight logger module used by many codeProgressive projects. The logger is designed to easily log on different levels such as; 'error' and 'warning'. It also gives the option to write the log to a file in a descent manner. A timestamp will automatically be included for your convenience.
$ npm install cp-logger
Instantiate and initialize the logger module.
var log = require( 'cp-logger' ).init( <level> , <options> )
Both parameters are optional.
The level parameter is a number from 0 to 3 defining the maximum level of logs to be shown. This way, when using different environments, you can set the level accordingly. When set to 0, only errors will be shown and when set to 3; all logs will be shown.
The options parameter is optional but when used, should be an object containing overrides to the options which are set by default.
After initializing you can easily log messages using the following methods:
Debug information
Will be used when the log level set equals 3
log.debug( "This is some debug information" );
General information
Will be used when the log level set equals 2 or higher
log.info( "This is some information" );
Will be used when the log level set equals 1 or higher
log.warning( "This is a warning" );
log.error( "This is an error" );
Here is an example on how to initialize the logger
The options object can override each of the following options;
catchAllExceptions : Boolean (default : false)
- WARNING: Do not use this option! Catch all exceptions which will try to stop the application from crashing. Will likely cause instability as your application will probably not know what to do after triggering an exception.
colors : Boolean (default true)
- Enable or disable colors in the console.
sendToScreen : Boolean (default true)
- Send the logs to the stdout (the console), because maybe you only want to write to a log file and not show them in the console.
saveToFile : Boolean (default false)
- Save all logs to the file specified in the filePath option.
filePath : String (default "./app.log")
- If the saveToFile option is enabled, this is the file which will be written to when logging.
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007