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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




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Ethereum Binaries

Fast, easy and secure Ethereum binary management.

  • [X] 🎁 Package Extraction
  • [x] 🔐 Binary Verification
  • [x] ♨️ Runtime Detection 🐍
  • [X] 🐳 Docker Support
  • [X] ⏰ Lifecycle Events [ IPC_READY | SYNCED | STOPPED ... ]
  • [x] ☁️ Auto Update
  • [x] ⚡ Caching
  • [x] 🐙 Version Management
  • [x] 🌈 Multi Client Support


Documentation is available at

Supported Clients & Binaries

Supported clients can be referenced by their name and used directly. For all other binaries see Extension


Binaries are an integral part of the Ethereum ecosystem. There are many amazing tools (Clef, ZoKrates, Puppeth, ...) that go even beyond the different client implementations (Geth, Prysm, Besu, Nethermind, ...). However, managing them can be a very complex task. There are no standards for how binaries are distributed and you might find Docker images, binaries hosted on (GitHub, Azure, Bintray, AWS), or even have to build them from source yourself by installing the respective toolchains first and learning about language specific details. Moreover, important steps such as binary verification with e.g. GPG are often skipped because it is too complex or inconvenient. Interacting with these binaries, e.g. from a script file when they are running inside a container creates a whole new set of challenges. The goal of this library is to create a unified interface to download, configure and interact with Ethereum binaries so that it's more about the what and less about how.


npm install -g ethbinary

Quickstart 🚀

ethbinary geth@latest --goerli

Will download the latest version of geth and start geth with a connection to the goerli testnet:

Fast Start Gif



ethbinary list //example: returns [ 'besu', 'ewasm', 'geth', 'prysm' ]

ethbinary download geth // will display version selector
ethbinary download [email protected] // short-hand specifier
ethbinary download geth --clientVersion 1.9.10 // equivalent to above syntax

ethbinary exec geth@latest "version" // the command MUST be one string for the parser to work
ethbinary exec geth@latest "account new" // is auto-attached to terminal so that stdin for password works
ethbinary exec geth --clientVersion latest "account new" // verbose syntax

ethbinary start geth // will start latest geth version with mainnet connection (geth default)
ethbinary start geth --goerli
ethbinary start [email protected] --goerli


Minimal Start / Stop

const { getClient } = require('ethbinary')
const geth = await getClient('geth')
await geth.start('--goerli')
await geth.stop()

ethers + ethbinary = ❤️

Ipc Provider

const { getClient, CLIENT_STATE  } = require('ethbinary')
const ethers = require('ethers')

const geth = await getClient('geth')
await geth.start(['--goerli'])
await geth.whenState(CLIENT_STATE.IPC_READY)
const provider = new ethers.providers.IpcProvider(geth.ipc)
const network = await provider.getNetwork() // network { name: 'goerli', chainId: 5, ensAddress: '0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e' }
// send tx, interact with or deploy contracts here...
await geth.stop()


const geth = await getClient('geth')
// note that --http is new syntax for deprecated --rpc
await geth.start(['--dev', '--http'])
await geth.whenState(CLIENT_STATE.HTTP_RPC_READY)
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(geth.rpcUrl)
const network = await provider.getNetwork() // network { chainId: 1337, name: 'unknown' }
await geth.stop()

Multi Client API

const { default: cm } = require('ethbinary') // get the client manager instance
const clientId = await cm.getClient('geth')
await cm.startClient(clientId, 'latest', ['--goerli'])
await cm.stopClient(clientId)

More Examples

check out the other examples

Binary Types

There are different types of binaries / programs that all require different implementation and interaction strategies. An attempt to classify them based on interactivity might look like this:


Services or daemons are binaries that are started as background processes. They usually don't require interaction.

geth for example can be started as a service. Interaction with the service is happening in this case only via the separate HTTP/IPC RPC API or not at all.

The interaction pattern is:

service.whenState(/*rpc ready*/)
// do something with API
service.stop() // optional

Wizards / Assistants / REPL

Wizards are programs that prompt the user interactively for input and perform operations in between those prompts or after they've received a full configuration processing all responses. read–eval–print loop (REPL) programs fall into this category because they constantly require user input and perform actions only after interaction.

puppeth for example is an interactive wizard.

The interaction pattern is:

Full user-interaction

const puppeth = await getClient('puppeth')
await puppeth.start({
  stdio: 'inherit' // pass control to terminal: user interacts via stdin & stdout 


const puppeth = await getClient('puppeth')
await puppeth.start()
await puppeth.whenState(log => log.includes('Please specify a network name ')) // parse logs to determine custom state
await puppeth.input('my-network-name') // write response to stdin
await puppeth.whenState(/*...*/) // wait again
await puppeth.input(/*...*/) // respond again


Programs that offer functionality via an API to users or other programs are called servers for simplicity. The calling program is called the client in the traditional client-server-model. ethbinary takes the client role when it is interacting with other programs and performing calls to their API.

The ZoKrates compiler is an example for a program that receives a single command, processes it and returns a result.

The interaction pattern is:

const zokrates = await getClient('zokrates')
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.zok'),   `
def main(private field a, field b) -> (field):
  field result = if a * a == b then 1 else 0 fi
  return result
await zokrates.execute(`compile -i ${SHARED_DATA}/test.zok`) 
await zokrates.execute(`setup`) 
await zokrates.execute('compute-witness -a 337 113569') 
await zokrates.execute('generate-proof') 
await zokrates.execute(`export-verifier`) 
await zokrates.execute(`cp ./verifier.sol ${SHARED_DATA}`, { useBash: true, useEntrypoint: false })

Where a sequence of commands ins executed with .execute


Of course, some binaries can implement multiple behaviors and act as a service, execute commands and provide server functionality.

geth is such an example:

geth account new - issues a command which can also be interactive e.g. ask for password

geth will start the service


ethbinary was created with extension in mind. If your client is not (yet) supported, chances are good you can still make use of this module and benefit from all of its helpers:

Some ad-hoc integrations will just magically work out of the box (more likely, if your project follows best practices).

Some integrations require a little extra work.

This is an example how a GitHub hosted binary can be added on the fly in case it's not available:

const cm = new SingleClientManager()
const clientConfig = { 
  name: 'prysm.validator', 
  repository: '', 
  isPackaged: false,
  filter: ({ fileName }) => fileName.includes('validator')
const validator = await cm.getClient(clientConfig, {
  version: '1.0.0-alpha.6',

This is the same example, written in a rather verbose but detailed style (e.g. during development):

const cm = new SingleClientManager()

// let's assume prysm is not supported..
// we add a new (minimal) config first 
// see docs or ./client-plugins for available configurations and properties
  name: 'prysm.validator',
  repository: 'github:prysmaticlabs/prysm' // or ''
  // dockerimage: '', // <= if it's a dockerized client

// now, we can already use methods like getClient, getClientVersions etc..
// most of the time we are done here. but let's try a manual integration
// prysm binaries are not packaged, but uploaded as raw binaries
// we opt-out of the packaged binary flow with `packagesOnly: false` and take care of release assets ourselves
// we will now get all release assets from the prysm github repository, ordered by latest version
const versions = await cm.getClientVersions({
  packagesOnly: false // prysm binaries are not packaged => return raw assets

// prysm assets contain .sig, .sha256, .exe files among other things
// if we want the latest binary we can just search e.g. for the first file with .exe or no extension 
// but let's say there is a bug in the .beta.8 so we search for .beta.6
const latest = versions.find(release => {
  const ext = getFileExtension(release.fileName)
  const hasBinaryExtension = (ext === undefined || ext === '.exe')
  return hasBinaryExtension && release.fileName.includes('validator') && release.version === '1.0.0-alpha.6'

// here, we could check our cache if the binary already exists...
const clientPath = `path/to/${latest.fileName}`

// to keep our dependency footprint small we can use the re-exported ethpkg module
// which is the package manager used internally by ethbinary to manage (find, download, extract, verify...) assets
const data = await, onProgress)
fs.writeFileSync(clientPath, data, {
  mode: parseInt('754', 8) // make sure binary is executable

// almost done: we create a client instance based on the binary 
const validator = await cm.getBinaryClient(clientPath)

// that's it - we can now interact with a lifecycle managed binary :tada: 
const version = await validator.execute(`--version`)
const result = await validator.execute(`accounts create -keystore-path "${__dirname}" --password="${password}"`)
// ...


ethbinary uses a an event listener mechanism to be notified about the different events during binary preparation. Most of the subroutines have 2-3 event(stage)s: started, progress, finished

An event log for a binary download might look like this:

resolve_package_started // api request is made + cache is checked
fetching_release_list_started // api response is processed: json / xml parsing
fetching_release_list_finished // remote releases are merged with cached releases
filter_release_list_started // invalid releases are removed, version + platform info is extracted, custom filter functions are applied
sort_releases_started // releases are sorted by semver version & release date
resolve_package_finished // the latest release info is available
download_started // the asset for the latest release are downloaded
extraction_started // the binary is detected inside the package and the binary or all contents are extracted 