Using firebase realtime database to send json data
Firebase Realtime Sharing
This is just a simple way to help the devices using your app share data with each other. When user click send, it will generate a code and then in the receiving device just need enter the code to get data.
Get started
Create realtime database
- follow firebase document
- then copy the database config
Init database
import { initFirebase } from "firebase-realtime-sharing";
const apiKey = "your-config";
const authDomain = "your-config";
const projectId = "your-config";
const storageBucket = "your-config";
const messagingSenderId = "your-config";
const appId = "your-config";
const measurementId = "your-config";
const databaseURL = "your-config";
const firebaseConfig = { apiKey, authDomain, databaseURL, projectId, storageBucket, messagingSenderId, appId, measurementId };
When send button clicked!
import { sendData, checkCode, getCurrentTimeInSeconds } from "firebase-realtime-sharing";
// check if already sent, calc remaining expiration time
const oldCode = await checkCode();
if (oldCode) {
const code = oldCode.code;
const seconds = oldCode.expireAt - getCurrentTimeInSeconds();
// do send
const handleConnected = () => {} \\ do something when receiver connected
const expireTimeSeconds = 300 \\ expire in 300 seconds
let { code, seconds } = await sendData({ expireTimeSeconds, data }, handleConnected);
// other sendData options:
// codeGeneratorOptions: { limit: 6, randomFn: Math.random, numeric: true, upper: true, lower: true } is default
// codeGenerator: you can also put the custom codeGenerator
// now display the code and expiration time
At the receiving device
import { verifyCode, receiveData } from "firebase-realtime-sharing";
const valid = await verifyCode(code);
if (valid) {
// if valid, now you can waiting for the data
const data = await receiveData();
Run example
- To run example: clone github repo and then "yarn dev"