Auth server package for FounderLab apps
Server side of fl-auth-*, an auth package for FounderLab apps
Usage (server) - values shown are defaults:
import { configure as configureAuth, loggedIn } from 'fl-auth-server'
app = express() // Provide your express app
User: require('./models/user'), // Give fl-auth-server another User model to use if you have a custom one
middleware: {
initialize: true, // enable passport middleware
session: true, // (don't change these)
paths: {
login: '/login', // Route to log someone in
register: '/register', // Route to register a new user
logout: '/logout', // Route to log someone out
resetRequest: '/reset-request', // Route to request a password reset email be sent
// must provide `email` as a param in the body, e.g. {email: '[email protected]'}
reset: '/reset', // Route that a user will visit to perform their password reset.
// Requires `resetToken` as a param. This token is generated by the reset-request
// and should be passed through via the email you sent them from their reset-request.
success: '/', // Go here when a user logs in or registers
// (if there's no other location specified) <- This isn't implemented yet
* A facebook oath route will be created at the `paths.redirect` url
* When signing in users with facebook open this url, they will be redirected to facebook for authentication and back
* Your User model should have `facebookId` and `facebookAccessToken` fields where their facebook info will be saved
facebook: {
clientId: , // Your facebook app id (required)
clientSecret: , // Your facebook app secret (required)
url: process.env.URL,
paths: {
redirect: '/auth/facebook',
callback: '/auth/facebook/callback',
scope: ['email'],
profileFields: ['id', 'displayName', 'email'],
* Same deal for linkedin
facebook: {
clientId: , // Your facebook app id (required)
clientSecret: , // Your facebook app secret (required)
url: process.env.URL,
paths: {
redirect: '/auth/linkedin',
callback: '/auth/linkedin/callback',
scope: ['r_emailaddress', 'r_basicprofile'],
profileFields: ['first-name', 'last-name', 'email-address', 'formatted-name', 'location', 'industry', 'summary', 'specialties', 'positions', 'picture-url', 'public-profile-url'],
login: {
usernameField: 'email', // The login/register strategies look for these properties on the request body
passwordField: 'password', //
badRequestMessage: 'Missing credentials', // If username or password is missing this is sent
resetTokenExpiresMs: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // Reset tokens expire in 7 days by default
extraRegisterParams: ['type'], // Extra fields to be plucked from the body of a POST to /register that will be saved on the user model. Fields not in this whitelist (other than usernameField/passwordField) are ignored
// You need to override this with a function that sends this user an email with a link to the reset page,
// with a query param containing this resetToken
// e.g. <a href="https://example.com/reset?resetToken=${user.get('resetToken')}>Reset your password here</a>
sendResetEmail: ({user, req}, callback) => {
console.log('[fl-auth] sendResetEmail not configured. No password reset email will be sent. Reset token:', user.get('email'), user.get('resetToken'))
sendConfirmationEmail: (user, callback) => {
// same deal with this. Send an email with a link to confirm the email
// e.g.
const email = user.get('email')
const query = querystring.stringify({email, token: user.get('emailConfirmationToken')})
const message = `${appConfig.url}/confirm-email?${query}`
console.log('Sending emailConfirmationToken email', email, user.get('emailConfirmationToken'), message)
sendMail({to: email, subject: `Confirm your email for ${appConfig.url}`, text: message}, callback)