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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Hapi plugin for the Pino logger




hapi-pino  Tests Status

Hapi plugin for the Pino logger. It logs in JSON for easy post-processing.

Hapi and Pino versions supported by hapi-pino

| hapi-pino | hapi | pino | | ------------- |:--------------|:--------------| | v12.x | v21 | v8 | | v11.x | v20 | v8 | | v9.x - v10.x | v20 | v7 | | v8.x | v18, v19, v20 | v6 | | v6.x | v17, v18, v19 | v5 | | v5.x | v17, v18 | v5 | | v3.x - v4.x | v17 | v4 | | v2.x | v16 | v4 |


npm install hapi-pino


'use strict'

const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi')

async function start () {
  // Create a server with a host and port
  const server = Hapi.server({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 3000,
    debug: false, // disable Hapi debug console logging

  // Add the route
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: async function (request, h) {
      // request.log is HAPI standard way of logging
      request.log(['a', 'b'], 'Request into hello world')

      // you can also use a pino instance, which will be faster'In handler %s', request.path)

      return 'hello world'

  await server.register({
    plugin: require('hapi-pino'),
    options: {
      // Redact Authorization headers, see
      redact: ['req.headers.authorization']

  // also as a decorated API'another way for accessing it')

  // and through Hapi standard logging system
  server.log(['subsystem'], 'third way for accessing it')

  await server.start()

  return server

start().catch((err) => {


hapi-pino goal is to enable Hapi applications to log via pino. To enable this, it decorates both the server and the request. Moreover, hapi-pino binds to the Hapi events system as described in the "Hapi events" section.


options.logPayload: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, add the request payload as payload to the response event log.

options.logQueryParams: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, add the request query as queryParams to the response event log.

options.logPathParams: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, add the request params as pathParams to the response event log.

options.logRouteTags: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, add the request route tags (as configured in hapi route.options.tags) tags to the response event log.

options.log4xxResponseErrors: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, responses with status codes in the 400-500 range will have the value returned by the hapi lifecycle method added to the response event log as err.

options.logRequestStart: boolean | (Request) => boolean

Default: false

Whether hapi-pino should add a at the beginning of Hapi requests for the given Request.

For convenience, you can pass in true to always log request start events, or false to disable logging request start events

Note: when logRequestStart is enabled and getChildBindings is configured to omit the req field, then the req field will be omitted from the request completed log event but the req field will always be there for the start log. This behavior is useful if you want to separate requests from responses and link the two via requestId (frequently done via headers['x-request-id']) , where "request start" only logs the request and a requestId, and request completed only logs the response and the requestId.


Default: 'request start'

Set to a function (request) => { /* returns message string */ }. This function will be invoked at each request received, setting "msg" property to returned string. If not set, default value will be used.

options.logRequestComplete: boolean | (Request) => Boolean

Default: true

Whether hapi-pino should add a at the completion of Hapi requests for the given Request.

For convenience, you can pass in true to always log request complete events, or false to disable logging request complete events


Default: '[response] ${request.method} ${request.path} ${request.raw.res.statusCode} (${responseTime}ms)'

Set to a function (request, responseTime) => { /* returns message string */ }. This function will be invoked at each completed request, setting "msg" property to returned string. If not set, default value will be used.


Default: error.message

Set to a function (request, err) => { /* returns message string */ }. This function will be invoked at each failed request, setting "msg" property to returned string. If not set, default value will be used. Pino.DestinationStream

Default: process.stdout

the binary stream to write stuff to

options.tags: ({ [key in pino.Level]?: string })

Default: exposed via hapi-pino.levelTags

A map to specify pairs of Hapi log tags and levels. The tags trace, debug, info, warn, and error map to their corresponding level. Any mappings you supply take precedence over the default mappings.

options.allTags: pino.Level

Default: 'info'

The logging level to apply to all tags not matched by tags

options.serializers: { [key: string]: pino.SerializerFn }

An object to overwrite the default serializers. You can but don't have to overwrite all of them.

To redact the authorization header in the logs:

  req: require('pino-noir')(['req.headers.authorization']).req
  res: ...
  err: ...

options.wrapSerializers: boolean

Default: true

When false, custom serializers will be passed the raw value directly.

Example: If you prefer to work with the raw value directly, or you want to honor the custom serializers already defined by options.instance, you can pass in options.wrapSerializers as false:

  wrapSerializers: false,
  serializers: {
    req (req) {
      // `req` is the raw hapi's `Request` object, not the already serialized request from `pino.stdSerializers.req`.
      return {

options.instance: Pino

Uses a previously created Pino instance as the logger. The instance's stream and serializers take precedence.

options.logEvents: string[] | false | null

Default: ['onPostStart', 'onPostStop', 'response', 'request-error'] (all events)

Takes an array of strings with the events to log.

Set to false/null to disable all events. Even though there is no request-error Hapi Event, the options enables the logging of failed requests.

options.mergeHapiLogData: boolean

Default: false

When enabled, Hapi-pino will merge the data received from Hapi's logging interface (server.log(tags, data) or request.log(tags, data)) into Pino's logged attributes at root level. If data is a string, it will be used as the value for the msg key. When disabled, Hapi-pino will keep data under a data key.


server.log(['info'], {hello: 'world'})

// with mergeHapiLogData: true
{ level: 30, hello: 'world', ...}

// with mergeHapiLogData: false (Default)
{ level: 30, data: { hello: 'world' }}

options.getChildBindings: (request) => { [key]: any }

Default: () => { req: Request }, which automatically adds the request to every pino log call

Takes a function with the request as an input, and returns the object that will be passed into pinoLogger.child().

Note: Omitting req from the child bindings will omit it from all logs, most notably the response log, except "request start".

options.ignorePaths: string[]

Takes an array of string routes and disables logging for each. Useful for health checks or any route that does not need logging.

Do not log for /health route

ignorePaths: ['/health']

options.ignoreTags: string[]

Takes an array of string tags and disables logging for each. Useful for health checks or any route that does not need logging.

Do not log for route with healthcheck tag

ignoreTags: ['healthcheck']

options.ignoreFunc: (options, request) => boolean

Takes a function that receives the plugin options and the request as parameters, and returns a boolean. Logging will be disabled if the return value is true. Useful for scenarios where the ignorePaths or ignoreTags options can't achieve what is intended.

Example: Do not log routes relative to static content

ignoreFunc: (options, request) => request.path.startsWith('/static')

Note: if ignoreFunc is used, the other two options that can be used to ignore / disable logging (ignorePaths and ignoreTags) are effectively discarded. So ignoreFunc can be seen a more advanced option. For instance, you can easily re-implement the ignorePaths functionality as follows:

ignoreFunc: (options, request) => myIgnorePaths.include(request.path)

(where myIgnorePaths would be an array with paths to be ignored).

options.ignoredEventTags: object[]

Takes an array of object tags and disables logging for each. Useful for debug logs or any other tags that does not need logging.

Default: { log: '*', request: '*' }, Logs all the events emitted by server.log and request.log without filtering event tags

Example: Do not log the events for DEBUG and TEST tag

ignoredEventTags: { log: ['DEBUG', 'TEST'], request: ['DEBUG', 'TEST'] }
server.log(['DEBUG'], 'DEBUG')

options.level: Pino.Level

Default: 'info'

Set the minimum level that Pino should log out. See Level.

Configure Pino to output all debug or higher events:

level: 'debug'

options.redact: string[] | pino.redactOptions

Path to be redacted in the log lines. See the log redaction docs for more details.

Server Decorations

hapi-pino decorates the Hapi server with server.logger, which is an instance of pino. See its doc for the way to actual log.

Request Decorations

hapi-pino decorates the Hapi request with:

  • request.logger, which is an instance of pino bound to the current request, so you can trace all the logs of a given request. See pino doc for the way to actual log.

Hapi Events

hapi-pino listens to some Hapi events:

  • 'onRequest', to create a request-specific child logger
  • 'response', to log at 'info' level when a request is completed
  • 'request', to support logging via the Hapi request.log() method and to log at 'warn' level when a request errors or when request received contains an invalid accept-encoding header, see tags and allTags options.
  • 'log', to support logging via the Hapi server.log() method and to log in case of an internal server event, see tags and allTags options.
  • 'onPostStart', to log when the server is started
  • 'onPostStop', to log when the server is stopped


This project was kindly sponsored by nearForm.
