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README for Image Resizer Project Project Name: Image Resizer
Description: Image Resizer is a Node.js command-line application that allows users to resize images easily. Using the popular sharp library, users can specify the desired width and height, and the application will adjust the image dimensions accordingly.
Clone this repository to your local machine. Navigate to the project directory. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies, including sharp. Usage: To resize an image, run:
css Copy code node index.js --input "./path/to/image.jpg" --width 800 --height 600 --output "./path/to/output.jpg" --input: Path to the original image. --width: Desired width. --height: Desired height. --output: Path where the resized image will be saved. Dependencies:
sharp: For image processing. Contributing: Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your proposed changes.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.