Make Math Merry
Install Package
npm i mathema
import * as mathema from 'mathema';
prefix useage
append mathema. in front of all functions if you are directly importing * as mathema. Else for example, using algebra. only, import like so:
import { algebra } from 'mathema';
Usage Example
Mathema Example Angular Project
| Function | Params | Description |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|Algebra (Arithmetic):
| algebra.arithmetic.lcm.arr() | arr: any[]
| Take in an array of numbers and find the least common multiple |
| algebra.arithmetic.lcm.pair() | x: number, y: number
| Take in an set of 2 numbers, x and y, and find the least common multiple |
| algebra.arithmetic.gcd.arr() | x: number, y: number
| Take in an array of numbers and find the greatest common divisor |
| algebra.arithmetic.gcd.pair() | arr: any[]
| Take in an set of 2 numbers, x and y, and find the greatest common divisor
|Basics:| |
| basics.add.simple() | x: number, y: number
| add two values, x + y
| basics.add.twoArrays() | arr1: any[], arr2: any[]
| add two array value pairs together, arr1 index value + arr2 index value
| basics.add.MultiD() | arr: any[]
| loop 1d, 2d or multiD array and add all values together |
|Basics: |
| basics.subtract.simple() | x: number, y: number
| subtract two values, x - y
| basics.subtract.twoArrays() | arr1: any[], arr2: any[]
| subtract two array value pairs together, arr1 index value - arr2 index value
| basics.subtract.multiD() | arr: any[]
| loop 1d, 2d or multiD array and subtract all values together
| basics.subtract.simple() | x: number, y: number
| subtract two values, x - y
| basics.subtract.twoArrays() | arr1: any[], arr2: any[]
| subtract two array value pairs together, arr1 index value - arr2 index value
| basics.subtract.multiD() | arr: any[]
| loop 1d, 2d or multiD array and subtract all values together
| basics.divide.simple() | x: number, y: number
| divide two values, x / y.
| basics.divide.twoArrays() | arr1: any[], arr2: any[]
| divide two array value pairs together, arr1 index value / arr2 index value.
| basics.divide.multiD() | arr: any[]
| loop 1d, 2d or multiD array and dividing all values together|
|Conversion:| |
Area (long hand conversion)|
| conversion.convert() | from: string
sq inch ,to: string
sq centimeter , quantity: number
| from
— take in a from what converion type, to
— take in a to what conversion type, quantity
take in a value to represent the from
Length (short hand conversion)|
| conversion.convert() | from: string
in ,to: string
cm , quantity: number
| from
— take in a from what converion type, to
— take in a to what conversion type, quantity
take in a value to represent the from
| conversion.convert() | from: string, to: string, quantity: number
| from
— take in a from what converion type, to
— take in a to what conversion type, quantity
take in a value to represent the from
| conversion.convert() | from: string, to: string, quantity: number
| from
— take in a from what converion type, to
— take in a to what conversion type, quantity
take in a value to represent the from
| conversion.convert() | from: string, to: string, quantity: number
| from
— take in a from what converion type, to
— take in a to what conversion type, quantity
take in a value to represent the from
|Discrete:| |
GCD (Euclidean Algorithm)|
| discrete.gcd.arr() | array: any[]
| Take in an array of numbers and find the greatest common divisor via Euclidean Algorithm (invokes parallel (fork-join pattern) as needed)
| discrete.gcd.pair() | x: number, y: number
| Take in an set of 2 numbers, x and y, and find the greatest common divisor via Euclidean Algorithm| |
Sets (Intersections, Unions)|
| discrete.sets.intersection() | a: any[], b: any[]
| Take in an sets of 2 arrays, a and b, where two sets are those elements that belong to both sets, intersection
| discrete.sets.union() | a: any[], b: any[]
| Take in an sets of 2 arrays, a and b, where two sets are all the same elements from both sets, an union| |
Combinations & Permutations|
| discrete.combination.ncr() | n: number, r: number
| Take in an set of 2 numbers, n and r, where n is the number of total items and r is the number of picked items
| discrete.sets.union() | n: number, r: number, o?: boolean | undefined
| Take in an set of 2 numbers, n and r and boolean order o, where n is the number of total items and r is the number of picked items. Do verify if order matters or not. Default if left blank is true|
|Geometry:| |
| | r: number
| take in 1 radius value to get final area
| | r: number
| take in 1 radius value to get final circumference| |
| geometry.cylinder.diameter() | h: number, v: number
| take in 2 values, height and volume to get final diameter
| geometry.cylinder.surfaceArea() | r: number, h: number
| take in 2 values, radius and height to get final surface area| |
| geometry.cylinder.volume() | r: number, h: number
| take in 2 values, radius and height to get final volume| |
| geometry.rectangle.area() | x: number, y: number
| take in 2 values of length and width to multiply by each other to get a area
| geometry.rectangle.perimeter() | x: number, y: number
| take in 2 values of length and width to multiply by 2 each and then add together to get final perimeter| |
| geometry.sphere.surfaceArea() | r: number
| take in 1 value, radius to get final surface area
| geometry.sphere.volume() | r: number
| take in 1 value, radius to get final volume| |
| geometry.square.area() | x: number
| take in 1 value and square it to get final area
| geometry.square.perimeter() | x: number
| take in 1 value and multiply all sides to get final perimeter| |
| geometry.triangle.area.asa() | a: number, b: number, y: number
| strictly for triangle type of ASA, also known as Angle-Side-Angle Postulate -> take in 3 values, side a, angle b and angle y
| geometry.triangle.area.height() | b: number, h: number
| strictly for triangle with a height property only, does work for right angles strictly as well -> take in 2 vlaues, b for base and h for height to get final area| |
| geometry.triangle.area.perimeter() | a: number, b: number, c: number
| take in 3 values, side a, b and c to get final surface area| |
| | a: number, y: number, b: number
| strictly for triangle type of SAS, also known as Side-Angle-Side Postulate -> take in 3 values, side a, side b, and angle y| |
| geometry.triangle.area.sss() | a: number, b: number, c: number
| strictly for triangle type of SSS, also known as Side-Angle-Side Postulate (Heron's formula) -> take in 3 values, side a, b and c|
|Helpers: |
| helpers.factorialize() | num: any
| taken in a number num that gives back the factorial|
| helpers.flatten() | arr: any[]
| Take in an array to flatten|
| helpers.flatten() | num: number, decimals: number
| Take in a number num to round to the nearest dictated max number decimals (0-15 decimals only permitted)|
Slice Builder|
| helpers.sliceBuilder() | str: string, splitAt: number, inject: string | number
| Take in a string and inject a string or number into a specific position|
Square Root|
| helpers.sqrt() | num: number
| Take in a number num that gives back the square root of a value