Stop media from playing all at once.
#💿 mediakit
Stop media elements from playing all at once. Control them with a set of universal functions.
💭 Problem
Many websites require embedded audio and video, either through HTML5 players or third party iFrames. However, managing these players can be difficult. Many audio players and iFrames can play at once, and each type of media has a different API, leading to an unpleasent experience for the user and developer.
✨ Solution
mediakit aims to provide a simple interface for controlling all the media item on your page. Simply register the name and type of each item, and you'll have access to a universal control centre for your media. By default, mediakit ensures that only one item can play at a time.
💾 Installation
📦 Packager
Install with package manager:
npm i mediakitjs
Then import as needed.
import { create, play, pauseAll } from 'mediakitjs';
Load from CDN:
<script type="module" src="[email protected]/dist/mediakit.min.js</script>
Then grab mediakit
from window
const mk = window.mediakit;
🚀 Usage
You need to give mediakit an object containing a query selector, type and name for each media item.
and selector
are required. If no name is supplied, the selector string becomes the name (including #
's and .
<audio id="audio1" src="resources/music.m4a" controls></audio>
<video id="video1" src="resources/video.mp4" controls></video><br>
<iframe id="vimeo1" src="{vimeo url}" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
{type: 'audio', selector: '#audio1'},
{type: 'video', selector: '#video1'},
{type: 'vimeo', selector: '#vimeo1'},
📺 YouTube Usage
For Vimeo, Video, and Audio, mediakit receives a reference to the existing iFrame or media element on the page.
To include a YouTube video, you must pass a selector to an empty div
or span
that you want to be replaced with the YouTube iFrame.
This is due to the design of the YouTube iFrame API, which requires us to register the iFrame on creation. Provide the videoId in the config
<div id="#youtube1"></div>
{type: 'youtube', selector: '#youtube1', config: {videoId: '4eM12LJi_rg'}},
📖 Methods <------------ Play an item
mk.pause(name) <------------ Pause an item
mk.stop(name) <------------ Stop playing an item
mk.pauseAllExcept(name) <--- Pause all items except one
mk.pauseAll() <------------ Pause all items
⚙️ Configuration
accepts a second argument for configuration. The example below shows the default values of these properties.
{type: 'audio', selector: '#audio1'},
{type: 'video', selector: '#video2'},
{type: 'vimeo', selector: '#vimeo2'},
{type: 'youtube', selector: '#youtube1', config: {videoId: '4eM12LJi_rg'}},
playExclusive: true,
log: false,
- ✅ HTML5 Audio
- ✅ HTML5 Video
- ✅ YouTube
- ✅ Vimeo