Module to build an OSQuery extension. Uses Apache Thrift RPC module.
#Overview This software module enables one to add table plugins to OSQuery. The data for the new tables could come from many sources, for example:
- Data could come from invoking operating system API calls
- Data could come from making a REST API call to an external server
- The data could come from a log file
You could perform joins between OSQuery base tables and the extension tables to obtain unique insights into your infrastructure.
The extension + table plugin concept can quickly enable the integration of data which is not yet available as a part of base OSQuery. If you could write a REST service on a Windows server then the Windows OS related infromaion can be quickly made availabe under an OSQuery prompt.
#Prerequisites OSQuery must be installed on the computer you are running this sogtware. OSQuery should be run as the same user the user which runs the commands shown here.
#How to
Open two terminal windows
On terminal - 1 run the following commands
git clone https://github.com/umareddy/osquery-extension.git
cd osquery-extension
npm install
On terminal 2 type the following commands
select * from osquery_extensions;
Note the value in the path column (for the row where name = 'core'), this is the UNIX Domain socket to use to communicate with this osqueryi instance.
On terminal 1 type the following command
node extension.js <cut and paste the socket path here>
On terminal 1 run the following commands
select * from test_table_001;
select * from HERO_FOUNDERS;
You should see the two new tables that are part of OSQuery.
You can edit the the file extensions.js to add additional tables.
This example shows how one could write a process to programatically run sql commands and retrieve responses in JSON format. You could use this approach to provide a REST interface to OSQuery tables.
Open another terminal window and type the follwoing commands:
node query.js <cut and paste the socket path here>
select * from processes;