React-Redux but event driven.
Start development
Run once:
Run this at start of terminal:
source ./devenv.bash
How to Use
Copy the content of the ./templates
directory to your ./src
directory and overwrite existing files.
Or see below to configure manually.
Store configuration
Create a store-config.ts
file in the project directory:
import { AppStore } from "react-appevent-redux";
import * as Redux from "@reduxjs/toolkit";
import { RootAppState } from "./states/RootAppState";
function rootReducer(state: RootAppState | undefined, action: Redux.AnyAction) {
return state ?? new RootAppState({});
export const reduxStore = Redux.configureStore({
preloadedState: new RootAppState({}),
reducer: AppStore.wrapReducer(rootReducer),
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
// react-appevent-redux uses classes to represent states
serializableCheck: false,
export const appStore = new AppStore<RootAppState>({
reduxStore: reduxStore,
AppState Example
Create a states
directory and create states/RootAppState.ts
import { AppState, PartialProps } from "react-appevent-redux";
import { HomeAppState } from "./HomeAppState";
export class RootAppState extends AppState {
home = new HomeAppState({});
constructor(props: PartialProps<RootAppState>) {
Create states/HomeAppState.ts
import { AppState, PartialProps } from "react-appevent-redux";
export class HomeAppState extends AppState {
welcomeText = "Welcome!";
constructor(props: PartialProps<HomeAppState>) {
HomePage Example
Create a connected-components
directory and connected-components/HomePage.tsx
import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { HomeAppState } from "../states/HomeAppState";
import { RootAppState } from "../states/RootAppState";
type _State = {
type _Props = {
homeAppState: HomeAppState;
class _Home extends React.Component<_Props, _State> {
constructor(props: _Props) {
this.state = {};
render() {
return (
export const HomePage = connect<_Props, {}, {}, RootAppState>((rootAppState: RootAppState) => ({
homeAppState: rootAppState.home,
Add the HomePage
component to App.tsx
import { HomePage } from "./connected-components/HomePage";
function App() {
return (
export default App;
Initialize redux in index.tsx
import App from "./App";
import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { reduxStore } from "./store-config";
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!);
<Provider store={reduxStore}>
<App />
// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more:
Build Static Page
Run npm start
Handle Actions
AppEvent Example
Create a events
directory and events/OnClickEvent.ts
import { HomeAppState } from "../states/HomeAppState";
import { RootAppState } from "../states/RootAppState";
import { AppEvent, AppEventStream, mapState, to } from "react-appevent-redux";
export class OnClickEvent extends AppEvent<RootAppState> {
constructor() {
reducer(state: RootAppState): RootAppState {
return state.mapState({
home: (home: HomeAppState) => home.mapState({
welcomeText: (currentText: string) => "Clicked!",
Or, use mapState(...) and to(...) helpers
to make it more concise:
reducer = mapState<RootAppState>({
home: mapState<HomeAppState>({
welcomeText: to("Clicked!"),
async *run(state: RootAppState): AppEventStream<RootAppState> {}
Dispatch Event
Create a button in HomePage.tsx
and when clicked, dispatch the OnClickEvent
import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { OnClickEvent } from "../events/OnClickEvent";
import { HomeAppState } from "../states/HomeAppState";
import { RootAppState } from "../states/RootAppState";
import { appStore } from "../store-config";
type _State = {
type _Props = {
homeAppState: HomeAppState;
class _Home extends React.Component<_Props, _State> {
constructor(props: _Props) {
this.state = {};
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => appStore.dispatch(new OnClickEvent())}>Dispatch OnClickEvent</button>
export const HomePage = connect<_Props, {}, {}, RootAppState>((rootAppState: RootAppState) => ({
homeAppState: rootAppState.home,