scrolls an elements into view, recursively aligning parents.
Scrolls an element into view
Also scrolls any scroll-parents so that the element is in view.
If you want to show your support financially, I'm on Patreon
require it
var scrollIntoView = require('scroll-into-view');
use it
You can pass settings to control the time, easing, and whether or not a parent is a valid element to scroll, and alignment:
All options are optional.
scrollIntoView(someElement, {
time: 500, // half a second
ease: function(value){
return Math.pow(value,2) - value; // Do something weird.
validTarget: function(target, parentsScrolled){
// Only scroll the first two elements that don't have the class "dontScroll"
// Element.matches is not supported in IE11, consider using Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector if you need to support that browser
return parentsScrolled < 2 && target !== window && !target.matches('.dontScroll');
top: 0 to 1, default 0.5 (center)
left: 0 to 1, default 0.5 (center)
topOffset: pixels to offset top alignment
leftOffset: pixels to offset left alignment,
lockX: boolean to prevent X scrolling,
lockY: boolean to prevent Y scrolling
isScrollable: function(target, defaultIsScrollable){
// By default scroll-into-view will only attempt to scroll elements that have overflow not set to `"hidden"` and who's scroll width/height is larger than their client height.
// You can override this check by passing an `isScrollable` function to settings:
return defaultIsScrollable(target) || target !== window && ~target.className.indexOf('scrollable');
isWindow: function(target){
// If you need special detection of the window object for some reason, you can do it here.
return target.self === target;
cancellable: true, // default is true, set to false to prevent users from cancelling the scroll with a touch or mousewheel
maxSynchronousAlignments: 3, // default is 3. Maximum number of times to try and align elements synchronously before completing.
debug: true // default is false. This will spit out some logs that can help you understand what scroll-into-view is doing if it isn't doing what you expect.
You can pass a callback that will be called when all scrolling has been completed or canceled.
scrollIntoView(someElement [, settings], function(type){
// Scrolling done.
// type will be 'complete' if the scroll completed or 'canceled' if the current scroll was canceled by a new scroll
You can cancel the current scroll by using the cancel function returned by scrollIntoView:
var cancel = scrollIntoView(someElement);
// ... later ...
Small. ~3.03 KB for the standalone.
Testing scrolling is really hard without stuff like webdriver, but what's there works ok for the moment.
The tests will attempt to launch google-chrome. If you don't have chrome, lol just kidding you do.
npm run test
If you want to use this module without browserify, you can use scrollIntoView.min.js
<script src="scrollIntoView.min.js"></script>
Browser support
All evergreen browsers are supported.
Yes this means IE11 is not supported, scroll-into-view has the same support targets as microsoft:
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