Build a Slack App
Slack App
Build your own Slack app. This module simplify the process of creating a Slack app by providing:
- Send data into Slack with Incoming Webhooks:
- Invoke actions outside of Slack with Commands
- Build a bot user: connects in real time via websockets
- Use Advanced APIs
npm install --save slack-app
// require the module
var SlackApp = require('slack-app');
// define the app
var sapp = new SlackApp({
// webhooks express app
express: {
// pass your already existing express app instance to add the webhooks listeners
// remember to call app.liste() only after calling the slackbotapp.start() method
// (otherwise the listener might not be added)
app: Object,
// use if you want a new an express app be create to listen to webhooks on a specific port
port: Number
// webhooks paths
webhooks: {
// register bot token hook, only if app is added with slack add button
register: String,
// execute command hook, only if using slack commands
command: String
// bot credentials
// needed to the register bot token weebook, only if app is added with slack add button
credentials: {
// bot client id
client_id: String,
// bot client secret
client_secret: String
// tokens
tokens: {
// store the new register token, only if app is added with slack add button
// avoids manualy re-adding the app to slack after a restart
// (you might want to store it in a way that you can read it with the retrieve function)
store: Function,
// list of tokens to start the app with
// can be a string
// or an array of string
// or a promise that will resolve with a string or an array of string
// or a function that returns a string or an array of string,
// or a function that accepts a callback that will be called passing a string or an array of string,
// or a function that accepts return a promise that will resolve with a string or an array of string
retrieve: String | Array | Function | Promise
// cron jobs
jobs: [
// channel filter (execute job only on this channel)
channel: String,
// time schedule
when: String,
// message to send in the channel
message: String,
// job to execute
exec: Function,
// function executed after job stops
end: Function,
// timezone
tz: String
analyzers: {
// command handler
command: Function,
// message handler
message: Function
// start the app
See example in /examples