wrapper around the cc3000 wifi lib
#Tessel wifi
This is a wrapper lib around the wifi-cc3000
lib that Tessel provides.
This lib aggressively tries to connect and will power cycle the wifi chip if it still doesn't connect.
var tesselWifi = require('tessel-wifi');
var options = {
ssid: 'network',
password: 'abc123',
// security: wpa2, // optional, defaults to wpa2
// timeout: 20, // optional timeout to connect to a network. defaults to 20
// reconnect: 3, // optional number of times to try to auto reconnect on a disconnect event. defaults to 3
var wifi = new tesselWifi(options);
wifi.on('connect', function(err, data){
//this event gets called whenever we connect or reconnect
console.log("Connected to", options.ssid);
.on('disconnect', function(err, data){
// pause the program here, wait until we reconnect
console.log("WARN: No longer connected to", options.ssid);
.on('error', function(err){
console.log("ERROR:", err);
Here's what this lib attempts to do:
- Tries to connect to wifi as soon as its initialized
- Sets a timeout of 30 seconds to try to reconnect if wifi doesn't connect
- At every disconnect/timeout event, auto attempts to reconnect. If there's 3 disconnect/timeout events in a row, will power cycle the chip & attempt a reconnect.
- After 3 error events will power cycle and attempt a reconnect.