Library for handling retry logic with undici HTTP client
Library for handling retry logic with undici HTTP client
Basic example
import { sendWithRetry } from 'undici-retry';
import type { RetryConfig, RequestParams} from 'undici-retry'
import { Client } from 'undici';
import type { Dispatcher } from 'undici';
const client = new Client('http://my-url.com', {})
const request: Dispatcher.RequestOptions = {
method: 'GET',
path: '/',
bodyTimeout: 500,
headersTimeout: 500,
const retryConfig: RetryConfig = {
maxAttempts: 3,
delayBetweenAttemptsInMsecs: 100,
statusCodesToRetry: [429, 500, 502, 503, 504],
respectRetryAfter: true, // if 429 is included in "statusCodesToRetry" and this set to true, delay will be automatically calculated from 'Retry-After' header if present. Default is "true"
// If true, will retry within given limits if request times out
retryOnTimeout: false,
const requestParams: RequestParams = {
// if true, preserves original body as text and returns it as a part of error data if parsing as JSON is failed
// Can be slightly slower than direct parsing of body as json
// Default is false
safeParseJson: true,
// if true, response body will be returned as Blob
blobBody: false,
// if set to true, in case of an internal error (e. g. ECONNREFUSED), error will be thrown and not returned within an Either. Default is false.
throwOnInternalError: false,
const result = await sendWithRetry(client, request, retryConfig, requestParams)
// If .error part of Either is set, request was not successful, and you will receive last error response
if (result.error) {
body: result.error.body,
headers: result.error.headers,
statusCode: result.error.statusCode,
// If .result part of Either is set, request was successful either initially or after retrying, and you will receive the response
if (result.result) {
body: result.result.body,
headers: result.result.headers,
statusCode: result.result.statusCode,
Delay resolvers
You can write custom logic for resolving the retry delay based on response received. E. g.:
const OFFSET = 100
const response = await sendWithRetry(client, request, {
maxAttempts: 3,
statusCodesToRetry: [502, 503],
delayBetweenAttemptsInMsecs: 30,
retryOnTimeout: false,
delayResolver: (response) => {
if (response.statusCode === 502) {
return 60000 - (now % 60000) + OFFSET // this will wait until next minute
if (response.statusCode === 503) {
return -1 // Do not retry
return undefined // this will fallback to `delayBetweenAttemptsInMsecs` param