Vue directive that helps you appear stuff as they come into view.
Vue Appear
Vue directive that helps you appear stuff as it comes into view.
This is simply a helper that adds a class to your desiered elements, actual appearing should be done using CSS.
Install with your preffered package manager:
npm install --save vue-appear
# or
yarn add vue-appear
Once installed register the plugin with Vue:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAppear from 'vue-appear'
If you wish to override default settings you can pass in the options as a second argument:
Vue.use(VueAppear, {
immediate: false,
toggle: false,
children: false,
offset: 150,
hook: 'onEnter',
delay: 0,
class: 'appear',
selector: null,
callback: () => {}
Usage in templates
To make elements appear in your templates:
<!-- Appear once element comes into view -->
<div v-appear></div>
<!-- Appear immediately -->
<div v-appear.immediate></div>
<!-- Toggle apperance as they come into view, and leave -->
<div v-appear.toggle></div>
<!-- Appear children as they come into view -->
<div v-appear.children>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sin</p>
<!-- Combine modifiers as you wish -->
<div v-appear.toggle.children>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sin</p>
<!-- Pass in additional options -->
<div v-appear="{
offset: 300,
delay: 300,
class: 'show',
callback: onShow,
enabled: isAppearEnabled
API Options
| Setting | Description | Type | Default | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | immediate | Set if element should appear immediately, ignoring scroll. | boolean | false | toggle | Toggle element appearance when enters and leaves scroll view. | boolean | false | children | Appear element children instead. | boolean | false | offset | Offset amount before element appears. | number | 150 | hook | When should element appear in relation to the view ('onEnter', 'onCenter' or 'onLeave'). | string | 'onEnter' | delay | How long should pass after page load before applying the appear class. | number | 0 | class | Class to add when element appears. | string | 'appear' | selector | Query selector for children, if passed in children are appeared. | string | null | callback | Callback function when element appears or disappears, receives a boolean argument. | function | null | enabled | A boolean value that can be used to toggle the appearing. | boolean | true
Release notes
To see changes view the Changelog file.