A fork of wa-sqlite that can be more easily used with bundlers such as Vite
This is a fork of wa-sqlite, which exposes a WebAssembly build of SQLite with experimental support for writing to File System / IndexedDB
The fork allows for easier usage in bundlers such as Vite by declaring the right types as it
declares the async factory module in the "exports"
field in package.json as well as eschews
ambient declaration types in favor of type modules.
Example initialiation compatible with Vite (and probably esbuild and rollup):
import SQLiteESMFactory from 'wa-sqlite-fixed/wa-sqlite-async'
import * as SQLiteAPI from 'wa-sqlite-fixed'
export let Configurations = {
memory: {
vfsModule: import('wa-sqlite-fixed/vfs/memory'),
vfsClass: 'MemoryAsyncVFS',
vfsArgs: [],
idb: {
vfsModule: import('wa-sqlite-fixed/vfs/idb'),
vfsClass: 'IDBBatchAtomicVFS',
vfsArgs: ['wa-sqlite-database'],
opfs: {
vfsModule: import('wa-sqlite-fixed/vfs/opfs'),
vfsClass: 'OriginPrivateFileSystemVFS',
vfsArgs: [],
'access-handle-pool': {
vfsModule: import('wa-sqlite-fixed/vfs/ahp'),
vfsClass: 'AccessHandlePoolVFS',
vfsArgs: ['/demo-AccessHandlePoolVFS'],
export type BackendType = keyof typeof Configurations
async function createModule(backend: BackendType = 'idb') {
let module = await SQLiteESMFactory()
let sqlite3 = SQLiteAPI.Factory(module)
let config = Configurations[backend]
// Create the VFS and register it as the default file system.
let namespace = (await config.vfsModule) as any
let vfs = new namespace[config.vfsClass](...(config.vfsArgs ?? []))
await vfs.isReady
sqlite3.vfs_register(vfs, true)
return sqlite3
export let sqlitePromise = createModule()
This should compile cleanly with TypeScript.
example usage
The following example implements a simplified driver that's easily made compatible with Drizzle ORM
import { SQLiteDriver, SQLiteMigration } from '../driver-types'
import type SQLiteAPI from 'wa-sqlite-fixed'
export class SQLiteDatabaseDriverWeb implements SQLiteDriver {
private sqliteWasm: Promise<SQLiteAPI>
private db: Promise<number>
private didMigrate: Promise<void>
constructor(private database: string, private upgradeStatements: SQLiteMigration[] = []) {
this.sqliteWasm = import('./sqlite-wasm').then(m => m.sqlitePromise)
this.db = this.sqliteInit()
this.didMigrate = this.runMigration()
private async sqliteInit() {
let sqlite = await this.sqliteWasm
let db = await sqlite.open_v2(this.database, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE)
return db
private async q(sql: string, values: any[]) {
let db = await this.db
let sqlite3 = await this.sqliteWasm
let rows = []
const str = sqlite3.str_new(db, sql)
try {
// Traverse and prepare the SQL, statement by statement.
let sqlStr = sqlite3.str_value(str)
let prepared: { stmt: number; sql: number } | null = null
while ((prepared = await sqlite3.prepare_v2(db, sqlStr))) {
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
sqlite3.bind(prepared.stmt, i + 1, values[i])
try {
// Step through the rows produced by the statement.
while ((await sqlite3.step(prepared.stmt)) === SQLITE_ROW) {
// Do something with the row data...
let row = sqlite3.row(prepared.stmt)
} finally {
await sqlite3.finalize(prepared.stmt)
} finally {
return { rows }
async runMigration() {
let sortedVersions = this.upgradeStatements.slice().sort((a, b) => a.toVersion - b.toVersion)
let maxVersion = this.upgradeStatements.reduce(
(max, migration) => Math.max(max, migration.toVersion),
for (let migration of sortedVersions) {
await this.q('BEGIN TRANSACTION', [])
for (let statement of migration.statements) {
await this.q(statement, [])
await this.q('COMMIT', [])
async query(query: string, values: any[]): Promise<{ rows: any[][] }> {
await this.didMigrate
return await this.q(query, values)
async run(query: string, values: any[]): Promise<{ rows: any[][] }> {
return this.query(query, values)
async get(query: string, values: any[]): Promise<{ rows: any[] }> {
let result = await this.query(query, values)
return { rows: result.rows[0] }
async values(query: string, values: any[]): Promise<{ rows: any[] }> {
return await this.get(query, values)
more info
For more information, see https://github.com/rhashimoto/wa-sqlite